Epilogue Part 2

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I got out of the car, the cool September breeze hitting my face. I see Draco getting out of the drivers seat and going to open the trunk. Narcissa and Scorpius get out of the car and go help their dad. Even after nineteen years, I still remember getting on the Hogwarts express for my last year of schooling. I feel Draco's eyes on my as I stare off into kings cross.

"What?" I look at him, he's smiling broadly.

"You still remind me of the seventeen year old girl."

"Ouch!" I laugh and help the kids with their trunks.

We push the kids trunks down to platform nine and ten. I catch a glimpse of raven hair pushing a cart through the barrier.

"Cissy, you first!" I take Narcissa's hand, place her on the cart and run through the barrier. Draco with Scorpius right behind us.

Platform nine and 3/4 is packed with kids and their parents. I listen for that familiar voice in the mob of people. Very quietly, I hear him speak.

"Do you hear them?" Draco asks as he catches up with me.

"Just barely." I replace Narcissa on the cart and see Draco do the same to Scorpius.

We push the two carts towards the area I heard his voice. In the distance, I see the glint of flaming red hair and I know who that is.

"HEY!" I yell through the mob. They don't notice.

"POTTER!" I imitate Voldemort's voice. It's a really good impression. I see him jump and he whirls around, wand raised.

"Wassup big bro!" I yell and push the cart towards them.

"You scared the shi- socks off me!" Harry yells and embraces me.

"Nice wording Potter!" Draco uses his old mocking tone and does a forced smirk. We all share a laugh at that one.

"HEY MATE!" I recognize Ron's voice from across the platform.

"WASSUP!" I yell back and go to meet them.

"HEY!" Hermione cries and embraces me.

"Hey guys! How's life?" I help them push a cart down to our little group.

"Interesting!" Ron remarks. "Kids can be annoying as hell!"

"Hey!" A bushy brown haired girl at his side slaps his arm.

"What?" Ron snickers at his kid.

"At least talk crap about us when were not around!" The girl swishes her hair and leads the way.

"This is Rose!" Hermione tells me. "And this is Hugo!" He gestures to the flaming red haired boy on the cart she's pushing.

"HEY!" Harry yelled as we reached them.

"HEY MATE!" Ron yelled back and embraced Harry.

"Hi Harry!" Hermione hugged him too.

"I think we need to load up the train!" Ginny while helping her and Harry's kids off their carts.

"So whos this?" I asked Harry.

"Well you know James!" Harry gestured to his oldest son. "This is Albus, and this is Lily!" he gestured to his younger children.

Albus approached me.

"Can I speak with you please?" He grabs my hand and leads me a little ways away.

"What do you need?" I ask Albus. I sit on my heels so my eyes meet his.

"What will happen if I'm put in Slytherin?" He's nervous and I can see it in his eyes.

"You mean by reputation or by family?" I ask him.

"Both." He looks at his feet.

"Nothing if you don't want it to!" I assure him. "I'm a Slytherin and look at me now! As long as your a good, kind person you wont have any problems. I can assure you that." He nods.

"But say that I a-" I cut him off.

"Then Slytherin house, will have gained a great young Wizard." he smiles and hugs me. I hug him back, then lead him back to our group.

"I swear to god Harry if you use Legillimense on me I will blow you up right her and now!" I smirk and help Narcissa put her cart into a compartment.

"Y'know," Draco said. "We will be seeing them soon!" And I know what he means. Me, him and Harry teach at Hogwarts.

"What do you guys teach again?" Rose asked me.

"I teach flying." I said.

"I teach potions." Draco told her.

"I teach DADA." Harry said.

"And I teach Herbology!" Neville came striding towards us with Luna at his side.

"No kids yet?" Ron asked.

"Well not born!" Luna said in a mischievous tone.

"Wait, YOUR PREGNANT?!" I figure it out first.

"Yes! Just last month!" She replied.

"Congrats you guys!" Ron said and slapped Neville on the back.

C'mon Dad we need to get a compartment!" Scorpius tugged at Draco's arm.

"He does have a point! There's only five minutes left!" I start helping the kids through an empty compartment window. They laugh and climb through. Once their all on, I step back and lean against Draco.

"I am going to miss them for the next few hours!" I laugh and kiss Draco.

"Ginny, Ron Hermione! You ready to load them up?" I called to them.

"I still cant believe their trusting them with their kids for three months!" Draco whispered in my ear.

"I can't believe they said yes to it!" I retort and help Lily and Hugo into a car.

I heard the whistle of the train over the crowd. The train started to move.

"BYE! SEE YOU IN A FEW HOURS!" I yell at the kids.

"BYE!" They yell and I wave as the train moves away, turns a corner and disappears.

"Well this is going to be an interesting year!" I hear Harry whisper to Draco.

"I heard that!" I retort and turn to face them.

"Worth a shot." Harry laughs and gathers up his things.

"C'mon lets go!" Harry takes my left hand, Draco takes my right and we apparate to Hogwarts.

The end

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