•Week Four• (4)

164 8 62


(Read at your own risk, I guess.)

I quietly walked back down the hallway, through the entrance of the building, and then down the opposite hallway.

Everything looked the same in this hospital, and the only way I knew where I was going was the little plaques with room numbers next to each door.

200.... 199....

As I walked, I contemplated what had happened in room 330. Jack's words stung, still, I knew he would calm down and forgive me. Eventually. He may not understand what I'm doing, but in time he will. They both will.

I blinked a few times, more and more room numbers flying across my vision.

I was trying so hard to convince myself what I'm doing is right, but is it? What am I doing? Have I gone completely insane?

I abruptly paused in the middle of the hallway.

Go back go back go back go back go back go back go back-

My mind screamed at me, and for a split second my sanity came back. I couldn't do this alone, I couldn't use Alba, and I couldn't push Jack and Ryan away.

Those thoughts only lasted for a split second, though.

I sighed a little, continuing on my way to room 100. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted them to be safe.
And if that took the lives of others.......... Oh well.

It didn't really matter, did it?
No. Not at all.

I stopped, staring at the door in front of me. Room 100 looked different from the other doors, which was weird since everything in this hospital looked the same. I couldn't place what was so wrong about it, though.

Maybe it was the fact that Jack and Ryan weren't by my side this time..
I shook my head, clearing the thought.

And before my annoying brain tried to convince me to abandon my plan again, I opened the door and quickly walked in.

It was stuffy, the windows were covered by blinds and the lights were off. I could barely see anything in the dimly lit room, and I immediately flipped the light switch on. Which did nothing.

The power was out.
"Weird..." I muttered to myself. I inched more into the room, my skin crawling with every step. I didn't have anything to defend myself with, why didn't I have anything to defend myself with? Was I really that stupid? Ugh.

You wouldn't be scared if Jack and Ryan were with you? Hm?

"Shut up," I harshly whispered at my thoughts. I'm not scared.

"I didn't even say anything." A figure moved out from behind the corner of a wall, slowly approaching me. I couldn't tell who it was because of the lack of light, but I knew they weren't friendly.

"You aren't seven," they mused.

Somehow, they got the lights to turn on, and as my eyes adjusted to the light, they backed me into a corner.

I recognized the man in front of me, but my mind was so fuzzy. My chest began to constrict as the man pulled out an all-too-familiar knife.

Now I remembered who he was.
The guy who threatened me at that cafe while Ryan was in the bathroom. What was he doing here?

......He was working with Jasper, obviously.

"Listen, I don't want to hurt you," he began, playing with the sharp knife in his hands. "But if you don't give us seven, I'll be forced to."

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