•Week Seven• (5)

119 6 20

(Some gore I guess)

The first thing I noticed was the deep putrid of iron, burning my taste buds with the horrible scent. It was so strong I couldn't breathe, and when Ryan tugged on me to follow him further down the stairs, I hesitated.

I should've done more than hesitate, I should've let go of his hand, I should've ran back up the stairs to where Jack was, but I didn't.

My hand fell limp in Ryan's grasp ad he continued to take me deeper and deeper into the dim basement.

I didn't realize the stairs were so long and spiraling, going down and down and down and down, never stopping.
As I followed Ryan, I also noticed that the white walls surrounding us were slowly turning red.

Glistening red.

My stomach tied itself into knots, an urge to puke rising. I didn't know where Ryan was taking me, I didn't know why I was still going with him.

Because I love and trust him.

Ryan was showing me something that would make me feel better, he was taking me somewhere safe. He was healing me, taking the pain away.

I sighed, relaxing a bit, but not completely.

As we walked further down the white steps, I had to try not to slip on the crimson liquid that was now not only covering the walls, but the stairs and ceiling too.
How did that even work? What was this?

I tried not to panic, scared to look at Ryan now. I was horrified and confused, and all the blood and the scent of rotting corpses was making me sick. So fucking sick I thought I was dying, and maybe I was.

The blood just got thicker and thicker, making me stumble and almost slip on it.
Ryan steadied me, tightening his grip on my hand. He seemed to be oblivious to everything, the smell, the blood, my fear. Either that or he just didn't care at all.

But how could he not care? Ryan was a sensitive soul, he cared so much about everything and that's why I love him. He's the best brother I could ever have, but now, I didn't know if he was that brother anymore. He was taking me into a place I could only assume was hell, only with a promise that it would make me feel better. How? How would it make me feel better? How could all this blood take away any of the pain I was feeling?

Ryan didn't care at all. He knew I was trembling with fear, but he still continued to force me down the steps, he still continued to lead me into my nightmare.

I choked on my tears, trying not to slip on anymore of the blood.
I forced myself to stay quiet even though I wanted to scream for Jack to help, scream at Jack to save me from Ryan.

I was terrified because all of this looked too painfully familiar. The walls, the blood, Ryan.

It was exactly like all of my nightmares, all of the nightmares I've had since this all began. They started to eat my insides, carving a way into my heart. The blood reached out for me, trying to drown me in it's endless abyss of horror.
My throat swelled up and I was unable to cry out anymore as I desperately tried to get Ryan to care that I was scared and in pain.

He turned to look at me, which instantly stopped the blood from trying to get me. His smile dispersed a little, and he reached out to wipe away some of the tears.
"It's okay, I know you're confused. But it's all for you, don't you see?"

His words only made my heart ache worse and the confusion increased more and more.
"Ryan-" I couldn't form words, my tongue was burning and dissolving in my mouth, a sharp pain hitting it whenever I tried to move it.

I had to stay calm, but I couldn't. Ryan was hurting me now, he was hurting me and I didn't know why or how he was, he just was.

We finally stopped at the wooden-carved door. The Crows decorating it had been completely torn apart by some sort of weapon, making me blench. Everything was gripping my heart and making me so fucking scared. I was fucking scared, horrified, afraid. I was afraid of Ryan, I have been this whole time.

And now I was realizing why.

Ryan finally let go of my hand, stepping into the puddle of blood that was leaking out from a crack in the door.
He sighed a little, running his hand across the splintered wood.

"It's been so fucking hard," he said, not turning to look at me.

My mind screamed at me to run, but I couldn't. I couldn't move or speak or do anything, and that was another thing that scared me.

"I've worked so hard for you guys to be safe and happy, safe from these monsters." His hand curled into a first against the door, and his shoulders trembled with sobs.
"They thought they could take you two away, they thought they could hurt you."

My heartbeat sped up, pounding against my ribcage with an achingly painful thump. It continued to speed up faster and faster until I thought my blood was going to shoot out of my chest, until I thought I was going to die.

And maybe dying was better than this. Oh god anything was better than this.

"And so I had to hurt them."

Ryan stepped away from the door, turning around. His eyes were filled with glistening tears but he was smiling, he was smiling so wide just looking at him made my cheeks hurt.

The tears began to slide down his face slowly, mixing with all the blood that was covering his head.
He reached out to grab my hand, but I instinctively pulled away.

He paused, his smile falling a little. "Adam, it's all okay now." He said, continuing to walk to me.

I stepped away from him, but he kept coming. I choked on more tears, struggling to escape from all of this.
I was struggling so much with everything, struggling to simply breathe now.

I finally froze in fear when his hand reached mine, clasping together. He pulled me closer to the door, opening it before I could argue, before I could do anything.

Before I could scream.


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