{True Hearts Day : The End?}

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Like a storybook, everything was set straight.

Cindy Darling was bombarded with work in the dungeons that wouldn't probably be over until actual graduation. Apparently, if you read the Ever After High handbook, it clearly states that a student must not put others under any kind of magic - it also states students must not try to eat each other but that didn't stop the next big bad wolf from chasing the three little pigs around school.

True Hearts Day was soon present on Ever After High and apparently, Cupid and Briar were holding the best party yet.

"But what if Mr. Grimm finds us here?" I cried over Melody Piper's thundering beats.

Maddie took off her hat and pulled out a teacup, pouring the school's punch into her cup. "This should be tea."

"I'm absolutely positive Mr. Grimm won't find us, "Cupid said proudly although her eyes were lingering over to Raven and Dexter on the dancefloor. "I didn't even tell anyone."

"Then how do all these people know?" I asked, gesturing to the crowds around us. Nearly the whole school had come for the party.


We all laughed then.

"Well, I'll be right back." Cupid exclaimed, running quickly towards the DJ station, nearly tripping Tiny in her hurry.

"Isn't this so magtastic?" Maddie took a sip from her teacup gleefuly. "Everyone is going with what they want for their destinies and-" She frowned, looking up. "Oh, will you two stop arguing? Jamie can do whatever she wants."

Although these "narrators" Maddie was always talking about was pretty odd, I'd seen weirder; the many faces of Patrick would always be engraved in my memory. "What are they saying now?"

"Well, one says you're doing a horrible thing and that will upset the fairytale of Neverland," She shook her head, slightly furious. "And the other says he's proud of you. I can't wait to to plan a Wonderland wedding for these two."

"Upset the fairytale?" I gasped. "But Raven isn't following her destiny and things seem to be going fine for her!" She hasn't even disappeared yet.

"Thats Raven, our story is different," Just then Cindy Darling came marching over. Considering she'd been in a dungeon all afternoon, she looked horrible. "If there is no fued between you and Patrick, Neverland will cease to exist! None of us will have a destiny!"

"Thats-thats not true." It couldn't be.

"If you change the chime of the bell, the bell will ring by itself." Maddie cried before plopping down a table that had somehow fit in the pockets of her dress and starting a mini tea party with her usual companions; the rabbit and the mouse.

Cindy rolled her eyes. "Ugh, whatever, don't believe me then. Rebels are so selfish, Apple is right!"

Before I could even worry myself over that thought, Patrick joined us. And thankfully, he wasn't wearing tights. Even after learning the truth about Cindy, they were still friends and I was okay with that. At the end of the fairytale, he was still my doofus.

Patrick ruffled my hair that Raven had "tried" to make look good by attempting some white magic hair charms but it hadn't come out as expected. 

"Hey!" I yelped.

"I'm doing you a favor! It looked like there was a troll's house on your head!" He laughed.

"Oh yeah?" I reached out to do the same to his hair and conjuring up happy thoughts, Patrick went flying straight up to the cieling with a smirk. "Eventually you're gonna have to come down." I pointed out.

"I'll stay up here all night!" He declared.

With a haughty har flip, Cindy retreated and I honestly didn't care. I wasn't letting her mess with my head any longer.

Cupid got the crowd to settle down at the DJ station, holding up the true book of True Hearts Day. She read everyone the history of the day and what it stood for. It got me thinking. If there really was supposed to be Royals and Rebels, Heroes and Villains, Princesses and Evil Queens. Then why was True Hearts Day ever created?

The whole meaning was to give your heart to the one you truly loved - and well, the one I loved was sworn to be my enemy. Maybe there was never meant to be a war between the Hooks and Pans anyway. Maybe we were all following a myth.

With a whistle from Cupid, small pixies flew into the great hall, carrying the very hearts from the True Hearts tree, throwing them down to every love bird in the crowd.

I managed to catch one, surprised at how pretty it actually was. "Are you gonna come down now, Patrick?" I asked, only to see he wasn't in the air anymore. "Patrick?" 

As I turned, a heart was thrown directly in my face.

"Why you little-"

Patrick erupted into hysterics, nearly running into the punch table. "I'm sorry I had to!"

With all the strength I had, I launched my heart at Patrick - but he ducked and I hit Bellamy instead.

"Jamie, what the heck?" Bellamy shouted, snatching a heart from Hopper Croakington and thrusting it towards me. I quickly moved to the side - and his heart hit Cindy square in the face.

Patrick gave me a knowing smile and I knew exactly what he was going with.

"Heart fight!" I screeched and just like that, our True Hearts party had turned into a mini hearts fight, everyone chucking their hearts at anyone they possibly could.

Dodging hearts as fast as I could, I ducked under the punch table, only to be hit by one of Patrick's own hearts. "Am I always going to be your target?" I cried as he joined me under the table.

He grinned, a heart still entangled in his touseled orange hair. "Pretty much."

Ever so slowly, I pulled the heart out of his hair and held it up with a smile. "Looks like you got caught in the heart's battle."

"So remember that time on the beach?" He asked slyly.

I smirked. "Yeah, that time I left on that ship."

"No, the other time."

I pretended to think, feigning puzzlement. 


"Of course, I remember," I laughed. "That time you kissed me and I ran away-"

"Like a doofus," He added. 

I shoved him gently with the dainty heart. "I'm gonna make this very clear. You're the doofus, not me. Okay?"

Patrick only smiled. "Okay.....but what if I wanted to, maybe, try that time again...."

"Hmm...I don't know." Although my heart was beating fast now.

"Promise not to run away again?"

"No promises."

Patrick leaned forward and kissed me. The second kiss of my life was once again with Patrick Pan. And this one? Well, it was longer then the first and as we pulled away, looking into his hazel eyes, I knew there would be more in our future.



Its finally finished!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm losing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done.

So I'm honestly considering a sequel instead of a spin off b/c I ship these people with all my heart and its so fun to write them! I was thinking maybe having Patrick's POV for the next one. Anyone up for that?

Cindy's little outburst just might be the plot for the next one ;)

Finally caught up on the Ever After High episodes so I'll be trying to make all the fanfics closer with the actual episodes this time :p

Thank you for the support and response for this book!  I'm so honored!

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