Chapter Twenty {Drama Kitty}

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I didn't have time to confront Kitty about the potions. The ogre guards were really putting us to work when it came to detention. Instead of clearing out the dungeon, they sent us to the dragon stables - which made spiders sound good.

There were four of us; Me, Kitty, Hunter, and Sparrow.

"Don't be afraid now!" The ogre guard shouted at us.

With a gulp, I looked up at my charge; a green scaly dragon who looked to be a baby. It was obviously a girl as its ember eyes were bordered with long - and I mean ridiculously - long lashes. 

As I took a step closer, she growled taking more steps away from me.

"Come on, girl, I'm supposed to clean you." I said in the most gentle tone I could manage which was pretty hard when I was using all my strength not to pounce on Kitty Chesire.

I looked over at the rest of my fellow delinquents. Sparrow Hood was chiding his dragon with his guitar and it actually seemed to be working. Hunter was already bathing his dragon, whistling as he did. Kitty Chesire was repeatedly zapping in and out of invisibility, probably trying to sneak away.

Sighing, I tried a different approach, simply walking to the side of the dragon. With another growl, she backed away again, nostrils now flaring with fire. This girl was ready to fire at me.

"Having a hard time?"

I jumped back as Kitty appeared next to the dragon, her hands rested on its scaly side. 

"Gosh, Kitty, you gave me an overboard!" I gasped.

She giggled. "An overboard?"

"Its an expression." 

"I guess its a pirate thing." She said mockingly, tilting her head to the side so that her long purple hair fell over her shoulders.

I was nearly seething with anger at the fact that my dragon seemed to like her. She seemed to have a heart attack everytime I tried to touch her. Then I frowned. "You're talking like Cindy and Duchess, y'know."

Kitty frowned too, now stroking the dragon's back. "What do you mean?"

"You know, now that I think of it," It was my turn to out sly the cat. "You've been hanging out with Cindy lately."

Her red lips curved into an even deeper frown that almost made her look like she was have a fuzzball. "No I haven't."

"Are you friends with Cupid too?" I asked.

Kitty put her hands on her hips and the dragon whined at her lack of touch."You think you're smart, Jamie Hook."

Mocking her usual innocent act, I smiled. "What do you mean?"

Kitty smirked. "Fine, I'll tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I'll tell you what you really seen before detention."

"And what was that?"

"I've been stealing love potions from Cupid's room to give to Cindy Darling so she can use them on Patrick."

I gasped. A part of me was relieved. Relieved that Patrick Pan really wasn't falling in love with Cindy. The other part was angry. Was Cindy trying to get back at me somehow by taking some one else's free will? It was just sick even for a pirate like me.

"And why exactly are you spilling the beans?" I demanded to know.

Kitty shrugged. "Because spilling the gossip means more drama and I like drama."

Of course. Kitty Chesire had no loyalty to anyone. She loved being in the middle of drama. In fact, when Raven Queen had decided she wasn't going further with the Rebel rebellion, Kitty had taken over. She just didn't want the drama to end.

"Plus, you're my roommate and I actually kinda like you, Jamie Hook."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Gee, thanks."

However, now I had no idea what to do about this. There was really no real way of showing Patrick that Cindy was a fake. He was already under the influence of Cupid's love potions - and then it struck me. 

Only Cupid could know how to unravel her own spells right?

"Kitty, is there any way we can sneak out of here?" I whispered now, looking out for the ogre guards. However, they were too busy scolding Sparrow Hood for bringing his guitar.

A small sly grin crossed Kitty's face.


A/N: So I'm in the works of being homeschooled which is great news as I'll have more time to write and finish this story. That was also the reason for my hiatus as alot of paperwork and meetings had to be done but its all worth it.

Of course, as always, I want to thank those who keep reading despite the setbacks ♥

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