Chapter Fifteen {Mr.Smee's Wisdom}

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"Set up that sail!" Mother shouted at the top of her lungs as the ship violently shook, going over a large wave.

It seemed the minute we'd set out, the ocean had become unsettled. Just like the confused feelings in my head. I couldn't get Patrick's face out of my mind. The way he had looked as I had boarded the ship. Neverland, I must really like this loser which was definetely something I wasn't allowed to do.

I casted up the sail, pulling the ropes back to lift it into the air. I shot a snarky look at Mother's crew. Especially Wibbles because this was his job, not mine.

The ship evened out and everyone relaxed. The crew collapsed on cushioned barrels, drinking beer and laughing about something idiotic. I wanted to be right there with them because I desperately needed something to laugh about.

However, Mom gestured for me to follow her to the Captain's room, dragging her sword against the hard wooden deck.

Mr.Smee, my father's best friend and the most loyal crew worker he ever had, was steering the ship with ease. His blue eyes lit up behind his stubbed glasses when he saw me. "Jamie Hook, is that you?"

I quickly ran to him and he grabbed me into a bear hug. I realized Mr. Smee was much more taller now than he had been before. He was nearly taller than I was. "You've grown, Mr.Smee!"

Mother smirked. "He stole some nice potions from the wicked queen," She said matter of factly. "I'll let you see some of them, Jamie."

"Oh, Tabitha, can I talk to my little girl first?" Mr. Smee pleaded, still smiling at me.

"Fine." She spat but before I could tell her I would still see the potions, she marched off, still dragging her sword.

"Aww, don't worry about your mother eh?" Mr. Smee chuckled. "She's got alot on her plate."

"I see," I said, not being able to tear my eyes from his height. "But what have you been up to Mr.Smee? Whats with the new...look?"

Mr.Smee had nearly shaved off all of his white beard and he no longer wore tops that were three times too small for his belly. He looked like a real pirate. Well, a less goofier ones like the rest of the crew.

"Oh, nothin, Jamie," He sighed. "Just been teachin my boy how to be me and its exhaustin'." Mr. Smee's son was two years older than me and was almost ready to graduate Ever After High. However, Mr. Smee was always complaining about what a handful he was. Yet I'd never met him as he was always sailing the seas with his older friends and stayed in the Senior dorms and halls.

"What, he doesn't want to be like you," I laughed. "Who wouldn't want to be you?"

"He says I'm a errr' pathetic pirate," Mr.Smee didn't seem bothered by this, instead he laughed even harder. "But I'm okay, this whole fairytale system is ridiculous anyway."

"Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that." Then a thought struck me. I could Mr.Smee about Patrick. He had the same view as me and he was like the grandpa I'd never had. 

Mr.Smee turned back to the wheel and then sighed. "Do you want to take over, Jamie, I'm a little tired."

Steering the wheel was the best part of sailing. It was like being the head of the body of the crew. Like feeling the ship at your fingertips, knowing that every move you made, moved the ship and everyone on it. "Of course." I said a little too eagerly, taking the wheel.

Mr.Smee collapsed on the couch off to the side and I realized he was about to fall asleep.

"Mr.Smee?" I called out quickly.

"Yes, Jamie?"

"If I tell you something, would you tell Mom?"

Mr.Smee sat up then, fully awake. "Arrr' does the Jamie have a-a-a what is it called....oh, yes, a secret?"

I slowly pulled the ship to the side, avoiding small rocks. "Uh...maybe."

"Well, what is it, darlin'?"

And so I told him. I told him everything from my enemies to friends to crush with Patrick, Cindy's jealousy, and how maybe, just maybe, I might like Patrick too. Of course, I knew it wouldn't work out. We were enemies and would have to be at each other's throat as we get older.

"Oh, Jamie." He sighed.

"W-what?" I stammered now.

"This was obvious from the verrrryyyyy beginning," He laughed. "Everyone knew you two liked eachother since you two were peggin' each other as errrr' infants!"

I frowned. "How?"

"Always at each other," He cried. "Its why Hook and Tabitha were always arguing about cuttin' off contact between you two. We really all saw it!"

Well, this was utterly embarrassing. 

"Now, as for everything else," He said. "Who cares if Carrie don't want you-"

"Cindy." I corrected with a giggle.

"Whatever her name is, Harry, Candy, who cares about her!" 

"I know," I turned the ship again. "You're right. What can she do to me anyway?" I suddenly realized why I had agreed on the guidelines Cindy had chosen for the duel. In a way, I had been looking for an excuse to not to Patrick just so things wouldn't get worse between us. "But he's the son of the man he killed my father, and soon we'll have to be mortal enemies...what do I do about that?"

"Don' about that either?" Mr.Smee said as if that was the obvious solution.

I shook my head. "Mr.Smee thats my destiny. I can't ignore it."

"Who said thats your destiny eh?" He said. "This is what I hate, how we got people choosin' for our own kids!"

I had to laugh at Mr.Smee's outrage. "So you're saying I should ignore the tales set by the Grimm brothers and just do what....I want?" The whole idea sounded so foreign to me. Yet strangely enough, I liked it. "Mr.Smee?"

I turned around again to see the old man had finally fallen asleep, his hand in a thumbs up.


Okay thats the last filler chapter for now! It was really fun portraying Jamie and Mr.Smee's relationship! In the movies, Mr. Smee was Captain Hook's best crew mate so I thought it'd make sense for Jamie to see him as an uncle or grandpa.

Please let me know your thoughts on the story and this chapter!

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