Chapter Eight {Benefits}

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"I can't believe this!" Patrick cried out for the fifth time during our long walk in the Forbidden Forest.

"Oh, shut up!" I muttered."You're the one who got us in this mess." But of course everything was my fault when it came to Patrick Pan.

So far we'd ran into viscious enchanted thorns, Holly O' Hair's future tower, and hungry baby dragons that had ripped our clothes. Not to mention their mother had a word or two with us. This was the worst field trip ever.

"How are we going to get home?" He exclaimed. "Do you realize we might not ever get back?"

I shivered as a cold breeze whipped past us. "Yes, I am aware of that."

"Did you hear the story of Gerstilk?" Patrick chattered on, gritting his teeth."His Dad, Rumpelstilken got lost in these woods before and he was missing for a whole five years!"

"Well, that won't be us."I had heard that story and its a relief it had a happy ending. I would have been having nightmares for years.

"Why are you so sure of yourself?"

"Why do you keep asking so many questions?"


That did it. If I heard Patrick ask one more question, my hand was going to explode and I was going to need a hook. I stopped, turned around, and pushed him as hard as I could. Patrick fell down hard.

"OH MY GOD!" I literally felt like pulling my hair from the roots. "You're so annoying!"

"You're such a weirdo!" Patrick shouted back."You're literally pulling your hair out! What the heck?"

I unclenched my fists, realizing that I was pulling at my hair.I slowly let my hands fall to my sides. I had to relax. I had to stay calm. If I went crazy, who knows how long it would take us to get out of here.

"Okay," I sighed."If we keep annoying eachother, we'll never get out of here. We have to work together. Deal?"

Patrick sighed too. "Deal."

"Now I think we're going the wrong way, I swear I've seen that dragon nest ten times already!"I glared at the empty dragon nest a few feet away from us.

Patrick frowned. "I think we've been walking in circles."

We were both interuppted by a devastating shake of the earth. The rumble had me tripping over my own feet. The next thing I knew I'd fallen against a tree, unable to move. Patrick lay a few feet away,trying to get to his feet.

The earth kept shaking, like someone wearing large hunting boots.

Thats when a terrible realization came over me. 

The earth was shaking because someone was wearing large hunting boots. 

A giant.


I smell the blood of a piraterrrr

Be she alive or be she dead

I'll grind her bones to make my bread"

"Its a giant!" Patrick hissed as if it wasn't obvious already. However, the worse part of this situation was that he smelled me. Not Patrick.

All I saw was huge yellow legs, dirty chipped toenails, and brown scraps that looked like a sad attempt at sandals stomping through the trees.

'Run', I mouthed to Patrick. For I was a pirate and pirates fight.However, I was still shocked that Patrick actually listened to me, scrambling to his feet and running off in the opposite direction.

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