Chapter Nine {Frenemies}

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Well, since it took forever for Patrick and I to get back to school,(Wasn't our fault that a giant with an appetite for pirates held us up) we were stuck with detention again the next day.

However, I had been too tired from all the running when I collapsed on my bed in the dorms. Kitty appeared one the other side of the room but I was over the shock factor of her ability. Now, all I wanted to do was sleep.

"So you were out...." I heard Kitty say. "With Patrick Pan......alone....."

"Yes." Why couldn't I just have some time to myself? My feet were sore and I had a horrible headache.

"Well what happened?"

I rolled my eyes. Kitty always wanted to know things. Only so she could find a way to manipulate them to her advantage. She was my friend but I was still cautious with her. "Nothing. Goodnight Kitty." With that, I went to bed.


 "Well I asked her how I was going to finish the project in time," Malifia said, chewing on a cookie as we walked down the hall towards the cafeteria. "And she said, I don't know, how about you put me to sleep for a thousand years so you can figure it out!"

"How rude." I scoffed.

"I know," Malifia groaned. "It wouldn't take me a thousand years to figure it out!"

Although I tried to pay attention to Malifia's rambling about rude teachers, I still couldn't get the other day out of my mind. Yes, that day. It was odd to not trip Patrick in the halls everytime I seen him or yell something mean towards him.

No, thats not what we did at all.

We would smile at eachother - and thats about it.

Just those little smiles had the whole school talking. We were known to be rivals.



"You weren't-"

"Hey Jamie." My jaw dropped as Patrick Pan walked past me. He was carrying books, Daring Charming by his side. Yet he had that little smile we always gave each other.

"Uh...hey." I gave the most pathetic wave ever.

"Did Patrick Pan just pass by and not trip you on your face?" Malifia looked as if she'd seen a ghost. "Never did I think I would live to see the day."

We were in the same boat.


Detention seemed to be empty today. Either not many people had gotten in trouble or not many people had decided to show up. Either way I was stuck mopping the cafeteria - and no, no one could bippity-boppity-boo the mess away.

The same guard from the last detention watched Patrick, Daring, and I clean. We were all seperated of course. I had taken the left side of the cafeteria purposely so I wouldn't have much to do - and just as I ran up to my stop, Patrick was suddenly there, grinning mop in hand.

I rolled my eyes. "Thats my spot!"

"I got here first."

"No, you didn't," I spat. "You just want it because its the smallest section to clean."

"Why do you care?"

"Because its my spot!" No way was I gonna be stuck on the other side with Daring. He was so into himself that he'd probably spent all of detention looking in a mirror, leaving me to do all the work. No thank you.

"Because its my spot." He mimicked in a tiny voice that did not even sound like my own.

I had had enouch. I shoved Patrick so hard, he stumbled and fell. Then I took the mop, rinsed it, and got to work.

Patrick stood there for a moment, arms crossed. He had a begrudged look on his face. 

"Patrick!" Daring called. "Are you gonna do this or what?" The prince was gesturing to his own section, mirror in hand.

I raised an eyebrow at him before scrubbing at the floor. So far I'd gotten rid of all the mud stains the three little pigs had left.

"Fine, friend with benefits," He finally said. "How about I clean this whole cafeteria and you do my homework?"

"Homework?" I scoffed. "I'm a villain. What would I know about your homework?" Not like I would actually do his homework even if I was some silly princess. 

"What do the benefits stand for again?"

"Shoving, pushing off stairways, injuries," I recited, trying not to smile. "Not being slaves to each other."


Patrick walked in circles around me and before I could even gasp, he tripped me. The floor came rushing up and I smacked hard on to the wet floor I had just mopped. My face felt red hot and I shrieked. "You're dead-"

"Friends, remember?" He grinned. "What? So its okay for you to shove me but not the other way around?"

"Its different," I gritted my teeth, trying to get up. Finally, he reached for my hand and reluctantly, I took his."I really do hate you most of the time."

"We could be like Apple and Raven," He chirped happily."Frenemies."

I shrugged. "So we've been promoted from friends with benefits to....frenemies." We were never even friends to begin with. Maybe for a whole three hours before he'd decided to throw me overboard when we were little.

"Yeah," Patrick frowned. "I'm tired of feuding. I can't be focusing on ruining your life every minute of my own.," Then he smiled wryly. "My grades kind of suck because of you."

"No," I smirked. "Its probably because you're just really dumb."

Patrick chuckled and it brought just a tiny smile out of me. "See?" He pointed at that smile and I quickly frowned. "We can be friends."

Maybe we could be. I could see it. It was possible - but then I realized I was kidding myself. It could never happen. Patrick's family had taken something valuable from me; my father. My father was practically my life and he had been stolen from me.

I knew the whole story.

While chasing Peter Pan, my father accidentally fell into an alligator's den. He struggled and struggled to get out of the reptile's clutches but Peter Pan would not help him. Why? He couldn't help because the Grimm rules were; Heroines and Villains would always be enemies.

Although Peter had wanted to help him, it was against the rules that gave us all life. So he was forced to flee.

Patrick and I could never be friends.

"You are so stubborn, Jamie."

"My father was killed all because of yours," I said. "Maybe thats why I just can't let go of it."

He sighed."I'm really sorry. I forget about that sometimes."

"Forget?" I gasped. "You forget? Of course, you do. I lost something not you."

"Well, why are you blaming me?" Patrick pleaded, seeming genuinely confused. "I didn't kill him."

"I JUST CAN'T!" I found myself yelling and suddenly I couldn't stand to be there anymore. I threw down my mop, not even bothering to hit him.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room!" I cried back.

As I walked back to my dorm, I tried to stop the tears. I really did.


Sorry, I'm late! I had Finals so I had to put a pause on my stories. Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter! I just really can't wait! I've been waiting to write this chapter forever haha cx Well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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