Chapter Twelve {The Noble Act}

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I couldn't swim any longer. My legs were wearing out and every push felt like I'd put a hot straightener on my legs. However, Patrick seemed like he could swim for hours as he was way ahead of me.

The shark was still on our tail, snapping its mouth whenever one of us fell back too far. Finally, I couldn't swim any longer and I felt my body give weigh. I tried to gasp - only to realize the pill was wearing off and it was getting harder to breathe.

I felt myself plummeting deeper into the water and with the jerk of a wave, the shark swam down after me.

I tried to push myself upward through the water but it was no use and just as the shark snapped at me, Patrick yanked me further up. However, the shark quickly followed, snapping at my hair and almost getting a good grip.

 Patrick was now literally dragging me through the water by my elbow. The shark snapped again at my feet and I let out a gurgled squeal, kicking the shark right in the nose.Although, it didn't do much, the shark looked taken aback.

That was enough distraction for Patrick to pull us on to the surface of the water. My lungs were relieved and I sucked in all the air I could, not caring that I probably looked like a sink sucking up water.

"Leave some oxygen for me please!" Patrick cried.

I splashed water in his face. "This is all your fault!"

"How?" He shouted back.

"You weren't supposed to go any deeper!"

"I was trying to get away from you!"

I didn't say anything more and neither did Patrick. Instead he floated in the water, making the most ugliest pout I'd ever seen in my life. As I observed this, a thought struck me. "Patrick.....where did the shark go?"

Patrick frowned. "I don't-"

Suddenly, he was plunging back into the water, a shriek barely escaping him. I quickly swam after him just in time to see the shark dragging him by his leg. I really didn't wanna start World War Three with a shark but I couldn't just let Patrick die.

Although my whole body was protesting, I kept swimming. The shark was literally mauling Patrick and he was gurgling over screams. I remembered what I could about sharks and punched the shark in the nose. 

However, its eyes never left Patrick. 

Thats when another thought came to my head. I swam to Patrick, putting my hands under his armpits, trying to yank him away from the shark. I used what was left of the pill to say one word, "FLY!"

However, I wasn't sure how Patrick was going to be able to think of happy thoughts when a shark was biting his leg.

Then I felt it. I felt the waves rush over us as we floated out of the ocean and into the sunset sky. Yet the shark was still hanging on to Patrick's leg, floating in the air with us. I realized Patrick was shrieking like a little girl now and I manuevered my way to the shark, using one hand to push at its nose again.

That was enough to make the shark let go. Either that or it realized it couldn't breathe in the sky. However, it didn't matter. The shark went flying back into the sea and we were pretty sure it was dead.

However, the shark still did a lot of damage. Patrick was bleeding - and I mean it looked like he came out of a horror movie. I looked away. "Lets just get to shore."

"I don't know if I can keep flying!" He grimaced.

"You're not gonna get any help if we don't get to shore." I gritted my teeth, trying not to look at the horrible sight.

Jamie Hook {Ever After High Fanfic}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora