Chapter Seven {Lost}

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I was still thinking about Patrick's nice gesture the next morning. I was sneaking into the city. Even though I was still in big trouble and could get in even more if I was caught. However, I needed to think things over and there was one place that always calmed me.

The dock.

It was where ships came to get cargo or get refills on fuel. The smell of burning coal reminded me of sailing on the seas. It made me feel like I was home again. Away from all the chaos of Ever After High.

Seeing Dad's picture had sparked something in me. Maybe a longing. Maybe guilt. Or maybe sadness because I would have to follow his story. A story he didn't get to complete.

I watched the seahawks swoop down on their prey.

Absentmindely, I began to braid my hair. Something I always did when I was thinking.


Something came slamming into me, pushing me straight off the dock. With a scream of terror, I felt myself slip off. I felt the wind rush through me. I felt the piercing cold water and everything became blue and blurry. All I could hear was the water.

I could make out the figures standing on the dock towering above me; Daring Charming....and Patrick Pan. Patrick was getting to his feet while Daring was laughing.

I swam up, my head crashing through the seeming calm ocean. I sucked in air, relieved.

"Patrick!" I managed a shout. "When I'm done with you, you're gonna wish you could grow up!"

Patrick had a hint of a smile on his face. "Sorry, Jamie, I just...tripped."

Daring erupted into laughter again.

Then Patrick frowned. "You need help?"

I realized I was treading water, struggling to keep from going under. I splashed at the water, trying to push my body toward the dock. However, it seemed I just kept drifting farther away. In the back of my mind, I imagined being lost at sea.

However, I refused to let Patrick help me. "No, leave me alone!"

"But you're drowning." Patrick said.

"She said she's fine," Daring said, pulling out his mirror. "Lets go before MagTastic closes their breakfast menu."

I felt my whole body freeze under the cold temperatures of the ocean. My teeth chattered. My hair seemed to fizzle up. Sighing, I gave in. "Fine, can you please help me?"

Patrick smirked. "Don't mind if I do."

Within seconds, he was flying off the dock. Yes, I mean flying. Who knows where he gets his happy thoughts from. Patrick flew over the water, grabbing my frozen hand and pulling me out of the water. I screamed again as I realized how high up he was flying now.

"Let me go!" I cried.

Patrick had balanced me on his arm, flying over the dock. "I can't!"

I managed to shove him but it wasn't enough for him to let go as we flew over the shopping center. "You're going the wrong way!"

It seemed we were heading for the Forbidden Forest. I had no interest in being eaten by angered ogres. 

"I can't stop!" He exclaimed, seeming frightened himself.

"But you're Peter's son, you have to do something!"

Then we crashed, scraping through overhanging branches. I could feel clothes ripping, sharp pains in my skin. I could feel the soft earth as we fell farther into the forbidden forest. The breath was being knocked right out of me.

Then I stopped rolling.

Breathing heavily, I pulled my rough, knotty hair back. Across from me was Patrick, slumped against a tree, eyes closed. He had scrapes all over him. He was even bleeding. His jeans were ripped and so was his shirt.

I crawled over to him. Then I, disdainfully, shook him gently. "Patrick?"

He let out a groan, falling on to the ground, eyes blinking. "Where are we?"

Biting my lip, I looked around us. All I could see was endless trees and greenery. No buildings. Nothing to help us find our way back to Ever After High. 

I didn;t know what was worse. Being lost in the Forbidden Forest? Or being lost in the Forbidden Forest with Patrick Pan.

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