Chapter Nineteen {Sly Kitty}

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Cindy was a red and white mess - and it was magtasticly hilarious!

I couldn't help but laugh, not even bothering to hold it in. Cindy flashed an icy glare towards me but not even that could stop me. Patrick looked like he had frog syndrome trying to hold in his laughter.

" this is funny to you?" Cindy spat.

"Yes-yes, it is!" I managed but only started laughing again The way she'd been hit was a treasure all on its own.

"Jamie..." Patrick warned. He no longer had a hint of a smile on his face.


To my surprise, Patrick rolled his eyes and ignored i me. He instead took a step towards Cindy. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"You've ruined my dress!" Cindy shrieked.

As the conversation heated up, I retreated, rounding a corridor. I knew it was bad to linger but I couldn't help it. I leaned against the wall, waiting - hoping - for two words.

"What were you even doing alone with her?"

"It was just a food fight."

"That she started on purpose!" Cindy screeched. "Whats wrong with you? You're supposed to hate her!"

"I-I don't hate her."

"Then what is she to you?"

It fell silent. The scene was utterly silent. So quiet that I could hear my own heart. That I could hear the ongoing food battle.

"N-no one special," was his words. "Just a friend."

"And what am I to you?"Cindy demanded.

I heard Patrick's silly chuckle, the one that irritated me and brought a smile to my face all at the same time. "You're a snobby, prissy, beautiful, funny Cindy Darling," - and a kiss. "And I like you and only you."

I was officially done.


Mr.Grimm wasn't very pleased with the food fight I started. However, I took full blame for it. No way was I going to be stuck with Patrick Pan in detention again.I droned through his lecture of keeping order in the school and got a punishment scheduled.

The days after were slow. Legacy Day rehearsals were fast approaching, the school was planning yet another trip, and the dy everyone ws waiting for ws only a week away; True Hearts Day. I wish that day would fall off a plank.

"I know what we should do!" Malifia gasped giddily at our usual library table. I had come here to finish homework but Malifia and the tinkerbell twins were just here to talk.

I tried to focus on my work.

"And what is that?" Tilly - I was sure of it this time -  was lounging on Malifia's book bag, brushing her blonde hair with a very small brush.

"Go to neverland?" Lilly suggested eagerly. "Oh, i hope we go there for the next trip!"

"No!" Malifia cried. "We should have a sleepover!" The evil witch was so hysterical that literally the whole library turned to look at her.  She shrunk in her seat as the evil step librarians shot her a poisoned look.

Lilly and Tilly flew around our table in excited giggles yelling, "Sleepover!" in unison.

I frowned, giving up on my work. "But where would it would be?"

"I don't know," Malifia sighed. "What about your room?"

"Are you sure you want Kitty there?" I asked and then wished I hadn't. Kitty was my room mate but I always had the feeling I should keep an eye on her. She was a sly kitty and everyone knew it.

"Why wouldn't we?" Malifia asked, seeming confused.

I shrugged and looked at the clock that hung over the towering book shelves. "Great, its time for detention." I gathered my books and the tinker twins flew up as well. "What are you guys in for?" The twins were probably one of the nicest faries I'd ever met.

"We gave pixie dust to Hunter so he could catch that squirrel when it was in a tree." Lilly said.

"Yeah, apparently thats wrong." said Lilly.

I smiled wryly, just happy I'd have some kind of company.


As we neared the dngeon to begin whatever one of the ogre guards had set up for us, we all stopped dead in our tracks.

Kitty Chesire was a sly cat. She made things her business and she liked to do it often. However, what was most troublesome about her was that she often did it in secret and you'd have no idea until you see that sly smile disappear in midair.

However, I was pretty sure we'd just caught the cat red handed.

Kitty Chesire stood by the dungeon opening, two Cupid love bottles in her hands - and she was handing them to Cindy Darling.


Hope you guys like this chapter & there will be more to come!

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