Chapter Eighteen {Candy Canes}

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"But I don't get it, how would you go on the sailing trip if you still have to finish school?" Raven asked Bellamy as we entered the Ever After High lunch line.

The line was moving incredibly slow thanks to the pig siblings taking forever to pick what kind of mud they wanted to drink. Apparently there was swamp mud, forest mud, brazilian mud and the list goes on and on. Who knew pigs were so picky?

"Who cares about school?" Bellamy shrugged.

We both gasped. 

"I mean, there are complete idiots that run this place," Raven said and I was sure she was referring to Mr.Grimm. "But educatioon is still a must....even if you are an evil witch."

"At least you know who you are."  Duchess Swan came by along with - ugh! - Cindy Darling. Cindy didn't say a word to me which was a first. Instead she smiled evilly. "Can't say the same for little miss hook."

"Wow," I rolled my eyes. "You're just mad because you're a royal reject." Which not even I could figure out.

Duchess Swan gasped, nudging Cindy now.

Cindy only smiled wryly and looking at her now and when I mean now as in Patrick Pan's girlfriend, I seen her in a new light. Cindy was everything I wasn't. Her short brown hair was actually straightened to perfection. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with thousands of sun orbs and her skin was flawless. Cindy was gorgeous..........and I was the complete opposite.

"Don't be so mean, Jamie," She said in the most fake sweet voice I'd ever heard. "I'm sure you'll find someone as piratey as you." Then her eyes flickered to Bellamy - and she and Duchess erupted into laughter, heading to their table.

"Is that who I think it is?" Bellamy asked, seeming unphased by the whole scene.

I nodded. "Yup, that was Cindy."

I watched Bellamy's expression carefully but it didn't change from the bored look he always had. After getting lunch, Raven and I scanned the lunchroom. I felt even more dread when I spotted Cindy sitting at Patrick and Daring's table - and as I looked them over, Patrick's eyes met mine. Great.

"Hey, Jamie, over here!" He waved us over.

Raven smiled. "Saying no is just going to make things awkward."

I hated when Raven was right. 

"Wait," Bellamy held me back. "You're friends with Evil Pan?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess, why?"

Bellamy awkwardly took his distance from us. "Nothing, I'll - I'll catch you later." With that, he retreated to his usual senior table. Bellamy wasn't like me. He hung out strictly with villains. He never associated with the royals. In fact, he had fun terriozing them.

Raven headed in the opposite direction as well since she and Dexter had their own little lovebird table. Their relationship was so cute it was disgusting.

Sucking in a nervous breath, I sat down at Patrick's table in between Daring Charming and Hopper Croakington.  Patrick's attention was on Cindy as she told him an exciting story about a ghost at Ashlynn Ella's shoe store in town. Daring was too busy looking at his mirror - but not at himself which was a first and Hopper couldn't seem to stop zapping into a frog as he tried to find something to say.

So I was left to stare at Cindy and Patrick. Why had I agreed to this?

"Hey, you okay, Jamie?" Patrick asked.

"Um, yeah, just - just thoughtful, I guess." I mumbled.

"You seemed to be lost in thought a lot lately." Cindy smirked.

"Yeah, you sure you okay?" Patrick asked again.

"Yes, gosh!" I snapped and then I realized I was giving Cindy exactly what she wanted. She wanted me to ruin my friendship with Patrick all on my own. I could see it from the way she slightly smiled as Patrick sighed.

"Sorry." Patrick shrugged.

'I refuse to give her what she wants, no way was she about to win again'

Grabbing a piece of my dust cake, I launched it directly in Patrick's face. Suddenly he was a caked mess, his face totally obscured by the frosting. The whole ever after high cafe went silent, everyone astonshed by the possibility of a second food fight breaking out.

Then Patrick, in almost lightening speed, flew into the air, throwing pixie juice straight into my eyes. My eyes felt tight with liquid and I gasped, literally falling out of my chair - and the whole cafe exploded with cheers and food.

I had just started a food fight.

I found the next thing I could get my hands on and aimed for Patrick. However, he moved so fast that I hit Cindy!

She didn't seem very amused.

I couldn't find Patrick in sight anymore and ended up getting tackled with food by a giggling Kitty and Malifia. I hid under the table, throwing another dust cake at Kitty, only the sly cat disappeared.

"Think fast!" Patrick exclaimed directly in my ear.

He was underneath the table with me, two giant mushy candy canes in his hands. If that got thrown on me, my clothes would be unwashable. Defensless, I put my hands up as high as I could. "Okay, okay, I surrender!"

"Nope, I shall not have mercy on you, pirate!" With a laugh, he ludged for me - but I managed to push myself out from under the table straight into the aim of Bellamy.

He, however rolled his eyes. "Oh, I was hoping for a royal."

"Hmm...I think I can help you with that." I called out Patrick's name with the best taunt I had and then moved quickly out of the way just as Bellamy threw a gigantic bowl of chocalate on to Patrick's head.

With an exasperated sigh, he wiped the chocolate from his eyes. Bellamy laughed, rolling out of view of Patrick. "Jamie, you're in for it now!" Patrick shouted - and then ludged for me again, waving those candycanes through the air.

I couldn't help but squeal, running for the exit now. No way was I about to get hit by one of those things. However, I could still hear Patrick on foot. Apparently he was no longer able to get any happy thoughts going.

"STOP!" He shouted. "You're at a dead end!"

I looked back and realized he was right. I had ran the wrong way and now there was nothing but a wall behind me. Defeated, I put my hands up. "Fine, you got me."

Patrick smirked - and then launched his candycanes - and so I ducked.

Yet we still heard an ear defeaning scream that I could identify as Cindy's after the realization that her dress was ruined.


A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter as it was really fun for me to write!

And of course thank you to those who continue reading! Until the next chapter, ♥

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