Chapter Twenty-Two {Round Two!} READ THE A/N GUYS!

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News traveled fast at Ever After High. As I prepared for battle (in the library) , nearly every villain and royal had stopped by and asked for details about the duel. I was pretty sure Patrick Pan had probably caught wind of it too as I spotted a disheveled Hopper Croakington rushing with a sword through the halls.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Raven asked."Out of all the things that have happened before the spell, you choose a duel."

"I know it sounds crazy," I admitted. Literally everyone who knew about the Cupid scandal - Raven, Kitty, and Cupid -  were surprised. "But I just have a good feeling about this." I could still remember the words he'd told me when we'd kissed. This might sound crazy but I think I've liked you since the day you beat me in that duel.

Raven sat pensive on my bed as I hurriedly went through my closet, looking for the perfect sword. Usually I saved my crocodile-tooth embellished sword for big treacherous battles like the time Mom took me out to sea to battle the redcoats or when Dad had taken me alligator hunting.However, this duel was just as important as those events. I wasn't fighting to learn or to impress or even to just be an evil pirate, for once, I was fighting for something terribly heroic; love.

Guess I wasn't considered a villain anymore.

Once I found the sword, I  put my hair in the most tight ponytail I could manage. I turned to her with a straight, stern face, imitating my mother's. The sword had hung lazily at my side and I steadied it now as if I were about to strike.

"You look a real pirate." Raven gasped.

Just then Kitty burst into the room with my old, wooden sword. The kitty was out of breath, collapsing on to her bed. "It wasn't in your room, it was in your locker so I had to-" She stopped as she caught sight of me. "Wow, you look great." She meowed.

I looked to the mirror, trying to see what the fuss was about - and even I was surprised. The sword glimmered even in the dim sunlight peeking through the windows. 

Raven got up, coming to my side and with a gentle tug, she pulled off the band holding my hair. It all fell loosely to my shoulders ."Leave it completely down. You look perfect." And then she laughed. "I'm sounding like Apple right now."

Kitty didn't say a word. Instead she stared at me in wonder like those cats that give you uncomfortable stares.

I sighed. "I really hope this isn't a lost cause."

"I can't reassure you," Raven said. "But I can tell you this; Only one way to find out."

With Kitty, Raven, and Cupid by my side we started through the halls of Ever After High. I dragged my sword along, hearing the usual cries.

"The Hook is coming! The Hook is coming!"

Blondie Lockes followed close behind, broadcasting my walk with her mirrorpad. "I'm here at Ever After High, watching Jamie Hook as she descends towards the Enchanted Woods in preparation for her duel against Patrick Pan. Who shall win this round?" 

I couldn't help but notice the stares. I was used to them since my father didn't exactly have the best role in the fairytales but it was the first time I felt very uncomfortable.

The duel was taking place at the exact same spot of our first duel and just like that first day, I took my place in the semi-circle that had formed. Just like that first day, Patrick Pan was late to his own duel.

Taking a huge gulp, I steadied myself on my sword. 

'Nothing to worry about, just fight and break the curse. Fight and break the curse, fight and break the curse.'

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