Chapter Sixteen {Lost Chance}

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Mom never came back out of her quarters. In fact, she had the ship turn around back to shore. She claimed I needed to be working on my studies and that I had no time to be on the seas. I suspected she was angry that I'd forgotten to spend time with her.

However when I got back to Mermaid Beach, I had a new objective. I would not let Cindy control me. What was the worst she could do? She was a silly girl who did pirate roleplaying with her brothers. I was the real deal. 

When I got back, everyone was enjoying their last day on Mermaid Beach. We would all have to start the long ride back to Ever After High tomorrow and no one was really looking foward to that.

I found Madeline Hatter and Raven Queen huddled around a small table of tea in our hotel room. Raven had used her devious magic to make a dvd player malfunction, causing it to project the movies on the wall. 

"The human realm movies are so.....weird." Raven grinned.

I set my bags down on my bed and nearly collapsed. Setting the sails had destroyed the limbs in my arms.

"Did you have fun, Jamie?" Maddie piped up, handing me a cup of tea.

I was grateful for the hot sweetness in my mouth. "It was okay, very...eye opening."

"Eye opening?" Raven asked.

"I've been thinking alot about..about Patrick and Cindy," I admitted. "I realized that I don't care about Cindy or her stupid rules."

"Oh shut up, let her be happy!" Maddie exclaimed, looking towards the cieling. It was probably her "narrators" again.

"I'm really proud of you, Jamie," Raven smiled triumphantly. "If you like Patrick, you shouldn't let anyone or anything stop you."

I shot up. "What do you mean like Patrick?" I had never told anyone about my indecent feelings for the doofus.

"Come on," She chuckled. "You're talking to the evil witch whose dating prince charming."

I shrugged. I had to give her that at least. Besides, these were my friends after all and I was 110 percent sure I could trust them with almost anything.

"Howmuchlovecouldacupidmakeifacupidcouldmakelove?" Maddie asked so quickly I wasn't even sure what she had said.

"What?" I laughed, nearly choking on my tea.

"Go get 'em, Jamie!" Maddie said brightly. "I can't believe you didn't understand that! Its basic english!"


 The beach was still bustling with EAH students when I freshened up and came out into the beaming sunlight. I spotted Daring and the frog prince throwing a glass orb full of fairy dust. However, Daring was using his brand new mirror to his advantage, hitting the orb like he had a tennis racket.

Patrick wasn't with his usual friends and I didn't see him anywhere on the beach. I was just about ready to go searching for him in the Nurse's office but quickly thought against this. The nurse was a pondering troll who somehow found all kinds of things wrong with you.

"Daring?" I asked as I reached the guys. Apparently my interruption startled Daring and he missed the next hit. 

"Yes, Jamie?" He asked, a little flustered.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt anything here," I shrugged. "But have you seen Patrick?"

"Patrick?" He repeated, seeming confused.

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