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"Dad. DAD!", I turned my head looking away from the empty wall. "Could you help me sign up for the UA entrance exam? I-", I cut my daughter off, "You're still going to try and enter? Y/n, I-" " I know you won't recommend me, but I can still get in normally!", she looked at me, hope filling her eyes. "Y/n, all you'll do is embarrass our family name. Just go to a normal high school.", I replied. The hope in her eyes seemed to disappear as she heard those words, but she needed to hear them. She needs to remember that her quirk isn't useful. "FINE! I'LL JUST ENTER BY A DIFFERENT NAME!", her eyes that used to be so happy, now filling with tears. "Starlight, just be a normal kid. It's what's best-", she chuckled a bit. "I get it dad. You're embarrassed to be my father. I'm going to bed.", her anger turned to sadness and she walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

First Person POV:

I walked over to my desk and filled out the forms. The last thing I had to fill out was my name. I sighed wiping the remaining tears from my eyes and wrote Y/n Suzuki. I shoved the paper into the envelope, sealed it off and put it in my bag so I could send it off tomorrow.

Timeskip (1 night)

My alarm went off, causing my phone to buzz. The time was 5:30 in the morning. I had set it early so I could take the letter to the post office before school. I guess it was also so I could leave without having to see my dad. I dropped off my letter and headed to school. I sat down at my desk, in front of a boy with green, curly hair and freckles.

Class was the same as always, but today all I could think about was UA. The time finally came for homeroom. Our teacher started to talk about our futures. "I was supposed to give you all these high school brochures, but I don't see the use in doing that.", sensei said throwing a stack of brochures to the side, "I assume all of you want to become HEROES!!" The class started to cheer, showing off their flashy quirks. My quirk isn't flashy so I just cheered along. "As if any of you extras could become heroes.", a rough voice came from next to the window. Bakugou Katsuki, the aggressive blonde who needs to know when to shut up. He was sitting with feet up on the desk smirking. The class turned to look at him. They started to boo. "If I'm correct, you are applying for UA, no?" Sensei turned also looking at Bakugou. "Tch...yeah!", Bakugou replied. "It looks like Midorya and Yagi are too."

My face was flushed of all color. I was petrified when I heard him say my name, because I knew that what happened next wouldn't be good. Ever since I came to this school, Bakugou hated when Midorya beat him.

"Ha! A quirkless loser and zoom eyes are applying?! Do you guys really think you can be put in the same ring as me?!", Bakugou shouted, "K-kacchan, w-we... I-I didn't mean it like that! I-I'm not trying to compete with you!" Bakugou focused his attention on Midorya. I stood there watching Bakugou shout at the little green haired boy. I felt like I had to do something, so I stepped in front of Bakugou and helped Midoriya up. "Thanks, Yagi.", Midorya muttered. He knew what was going to happen to me.

I felt a sharp, hot sting on my left shoulder. It was Bakugou. He had used his explosion quirk on me. It hurt a lot worse than I had expected. He turned to leave, but once he reached the doorway he turned back to face us and said, "You two should have a diving competition, and see who can do a better swan dive off the roof." He and his friends walked off, snickering.

"You okay, Mido-", I was cut off by Midorya saying," Izuku, please, call me Izuku." "Ok, Izuku, call me Y/n.", I said. We started to walk home together.

<746 words>

Hi! Thank for reading this is you have been.(I genuinely have no idea what I was trying to say here now that I'm reading this over.) I am going to be updating more because I got a comment. 

-Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ