Ten Months

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First Person POV:

I made it to my house and stood before the decently large door. Our house was considerably big, which wasn't surprising, considering the fact that my dad is the number one hero.  I opened the door and walked in slipping off my right shoe. I left it by the door on the shoe rack. I knew dad wouldn't be home for a bit, because he was surrounded by reporters and fans when I left.

I went to the kitchen and made some ramen. I wanted to add some vegetables, so I pulled out a ceramic knife and a cutting board. I started to cut up some celery when I sliced my finger a bit. I winced in pain, but continued to make my nuudles (French accent).

I went upstairs to my room and ate my food. I hadn't heard the front door open yet, meaning my dad still hadn't come home yet. Just to be safe, I walked down the stairs quietly , making sure not to make too much noise. 

I didn't really want to see my dad. We hadn't talked since the day before and I didn't want to start now. I put my dishes in the sink and headed back up to my room. The next day was a Saturday so I decided to spend the day training. I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

TIMESKIP overnight

I woke up to my alarm going off. I groggily sat up and walked over to my bathroom. I changed into some exercise clothes. I wore some tight f/c (favorite color) sweatpants, a matching sports bra, and some sneakers. I also put an oversized T-shirt on for the walk to the beach. I pulled my h/l (hair length), h/c (hair color) hair up, and walked downstairs.

I saw that my dad's shoes were gone meaning that he is too. I sighed, relieved I wouldn't have to see him. I walked outside and started walking towards the beach. As I reached the sand I noticed a familiar figure, and a smaller unrecognizable figure standing  by a pile of garbage. The tall muscly hero stood next to a scrawny looking teen. I tried to see if I could tell who it was but to no avail. I assumed it was just someone my dad saved.

I walked a bit further down, so they couldn't see me. I stretched, and started running. After about an hour my heart was racing, and I could feel my pulse beating in my head. I stopped to drink some water and got right back to it. I turned my music up so it was blasting in my ears, increasing my motivation. 

I stopped once again, preparing to train the different parts of my body. I did 5 sets of 100 crunches and sit ups. I did 10 five minute planks. I felt as if I was going to throw up so I started on my arms. I did pulls ups, push ups, arm circles, tricep dips, and bicep curls. Finally, I did lunges, burpees, small squats, jump squats, jumping jacks, and deep squats to workout my legs.

I had started at 5 in the morning and it was almost 4 in the afternoon now. My whole body felt like I was dying. "It's only ten months, and it will be worth it.", I whispered to myself.

I stretched and jogged home. When I got there I saw my dad laying on the couch. I went upstairs and took a shower. When the water hit my skin, I felt a sharp sting on my finger. I thought back to the night before. I need a Band-Aid. I made a mental note to grab one and climbed out of the shower. I brushed through my damp hair and put it in braids. I got a Band-Aid and covered the cut on my finger.

I was extremely tired at that point, but I knew if I slept now I wouldn't be able to sleep in the night. I sat down at my desk and did my homework. My eyelids felt very heavy, fluttering closed.

<703 words>


Enjoy! Love youuu

- Albion Orion

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