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First Person POV:

It was the final day of my internship with Endeavor, and we were finally getting a piece of the action. Apparently, a bunch of small bombs had been set off in Hosu city, causing a panic. Endeavor had been called which meant it must be more serious than we thought it was. He got the OK for us to come along, and we all made our way to the city. 

As our train approached, I got a better look at the chaos. Buildings were on fire, smoke rising high up into the sky. People were running in and out of the burning architecture, as heroes tried to evacuate citizens.

We exited the train and made our way to the source of all of the chaos as fast as we could. There were more creatures like the one from the USJ were wreaking havoc, their monstrous forms causing destruction wherever they went. The air was thick with tension and the acrid scent of burning debris. Endeavor, leading the charge, signaled for us to fan out and handle the
"Nomus" while he left to deal with the source of the explosions.

Normally, I would've been terrified for a fight like this, but my internship with Fire Man was really paying off. I felt like I had so much control over my quirk, or I guess quirks?

Without wasting any time, I activated my strength quirk thing, feeling the power surge through my limbs. My enhanced strength and agility were crucial as I charged towards the nearest Nomu. Its grotesque appearance did little to deter me as I delivered a powerful punch to its midsection. The impact sent shockwaves through its body, but it quickly retaliated with a swipe of its massive claws.

Ducking under the attack, I somersaulted behind the Nomu and delivered a series of rapid kicks to its back. The Nomu roared in pain but turned around with surprising speed. This wasn't going to be an easy fight. Just as I prepared to engage the Nomu again, another wave of them emerged from the smoke-filled streets. My storm quirk came into play as I summoned gusts of wind and torrents of rain to disorient the Nomus. 

The chaos around us was overwhelming, but I pressed on, determined to protect the citizens and bring an end to this rampage. As I fought, I heard a hero's radio crackle with updates from other heroes. It seemed that Stain, the infamous hero killer, was also in the area. I remember hearing about Stain from the news. He had apparently attacked Iida's brother Ingenium. Poor guy. Iida had actually taken an internship here, which is a really weird coinsidence if you ask m- Oh.

 Endeavor's voice filled the air, informing me that Todoroki had set off without saying anything. He instructed me to go after him. I knew where he had gone. Iida was in trouble and he needed help. Fast.

The thought sent a chill down my spine. Stain was a terrible villain, known for his deadly combat skills and the ability to immobilize heroes with his blood. But, I couldn't afford to let fear paralyze me, it could cost Iida's life. I shook off the fear and headed in the direction Todoroki had gone.

The streets were chaotic, and the air was thick with the scent of burning buildings. In the distance, I saw Shoto enter a dark alleyway. I approached the entrance and I could see Stain, his distinctive costume and sword marking him as the notorious villain. As I entered the alley, he turned to face me, a sinister grin on his face.

I noticed Iida, Izuku, and a hero all laying on the ground. Shoto was facing Stain, sending flames and ice his way. Stain swiftlyt dodged every attack thrown at him, and swung his blade in an attempt to hit Todoroki. My classmate stompted and a spike of ice shot up through the air, staright at Stain. The villain dodged and started to run towards me. I prepared myself for an attack. 

He sung his sword right at my face and I leaned backwards, barely avoiding the sharp blade. I pushed my foot forward and kicked him in the shin, making him take a few steps back. He stumbled, but only for a moment. He ran back at me but switched directions last second, throwing me off balance, as he ran at Shoto again. 

Todoroki did his best to evade the unexpected attack, but got scraped by the tip of a hidden dagger Stain had revealed. The villain kicked the boy down and brought the blade to his mouth. Then he licked the tip of the blade and my friend was paralized. It was just me left in this fight. I made eye contact with Iida. He was crying. He cried out to me. "Y/N DON'T DO THIS! IT'S MY FAULT ANY OF THIS HAPPENED! THIS IS MY BATTLE NOT YOURS! LEAVE WHILE YOU CAN!"

"Tenya! I'm a hero in training. Saving people is what I'm here to do. If you won't let me save you, let me do this for the others!" I saw him think for a moment before closing his eyes. Stain came running back towards me and the fight continued.

The battle against Stain was intense. His agility and combat powers were unmatched, and each swing of his sword was deadly. I had to coordinate my attacks carefully, anticipating his moves and finding openings to strike. The combination of attacking and dodging proved to be quite a challenge, but not impossible. I began to get the hang of it and used my quirks. I would shoot bolts of lightning at him and then switch to swinging at him with all the power I could muster. I could feel my grip on my powers getting better, and I felt energy surge through my veins.

I was beginning to feel very tired, and I knew I had to end the fight as soon as possible or we would all die here. I saw something green out of the corner of my eye, and looked away from the man in front of me. Stain took the opportunity of me being distracted to bring his sword down on me. I looked up and saw the silver blade getting closer. 

I saw my reflection in it. I looked like a scared child. I closed my eyes and saw my life. My mom and dad each holding one of my hands as we walked down the street, making cookies with dad, watching movies and hoping they wouldn't notice the time and ssend me to bed, watching my dad try to make my special birthday breakfast every year without mom. He really does care. He's jsut scared to show itm, or maybe he doesn't know how. Oh well too late now , I guess I really am dead this time. I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry mom.

I was ready to accept my fate when I heard a thud. I opened my eyes and saw Izuku on the ground again and Stain standing above him about to run him through. He had saved me. Izuku isn't ready to die. I focused all of my strength power into my leg and kicked Stain as hard as I could. I landed a hit right on his ribs. He didn't seem to feel it at all. He began to chase after me as I ran out of the alleyway into the streets hoping heroes would come to help.

I heard my friends begin to move behind me. They stood up one by one and rushed after us. I tripped when I made it out of the alley and Stain was right there. I heard Endeavor calling out to me. The villain grabbed me by my collar and pulled me closer to his face. "You shouldn't have gotten mixed up in this fight girl. I would have considered letting you live. Too late for tha-" 

He collapsed. Right. On. To. Me. Ewgross. I rolled him off of me and tried to stand up. My whole body ached to the point I just had to stay still. I was surrounded by all of my friends and a few heroes. I watched as Endeavor tied up Stain and handed him over to the authorities. He mentioned my name, but I couldn't hear much more before everything went dark. Not again.

<1395 Words>


Heyyy I'm so excited to write the rest of this book. I have loved reading any comments you guys have left! This book will be finishing soon, so if you have any fic requests send them to me!!!! I love writing and I love people enjoing my writing!! I hope you enjoyyyyy

-Albion Orion

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