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First Person POV:

I woke up to a light being flipped on. I heard the voices of some adults and my classmates who had also just been woken up. A doctor entered, followed by Endeavor, Manual, and a short man I didn't recognize.

The short man walked over to Izuku and whacked him over the head with a rolled up magazine he had grabbed off of the side table. He began scolding the green haired boy, but I only caught the first few sentences. Something along the lines of "You're an idiot", and "How dumb can one person be?"

My attention was drawn by the police chief , who began briefing us on what had transpired after the Stain attack in Hosu. The atmosphere was tense, and the gravity of the situation hung in the air. As the chief spoke, I pieced together the events leading up to our awakening. "Stain has been captured, thanks to some of you", he glanced at me, "but unfortunately we cannot release that information to the public. The report will claim that thanks to the combined efforts of Pro Hero Endeavor and Manual, along with the help of some local heroes, Stain was taken down." the police chief announced, his voice stern. 

"You kids got caught up in a dangerous situation, and it's not something we take lightly. However, your actions also played a role in subduing Stain, and for that, you have our thanks." I exchanged glances with my classmates, a mixture of relief and concern reflecting in their eyes. Stain's attack had been a wake-up call for all of us, a stark reminder of the dangers we faced as aspiring heroes. 

Endeavor stepped forward, his flames flickering with a fierce intensity. "You kids need to understand the gravity of the situations you put yourselves in. This is not a game. We are heroes, and our duty is to protect society. Recklessness could cost lives, including your own." His words hung heavy in the room, a stern reminder that the path we had chosen was not without peril. He turned to me and nodded before going to stand by Shoto.

 Manual, the hero who had been with us during the attack, chimed in with a more reassuring tone. "However, your bravery and quick thinking did make a difference. You faced a real villain and lived to tell the tale. Learn from this experience and grow stronger." "And smarter." The short man added, shooting a glare at Izuku and hitting him over the head again. Izuku, now nursing the bump on his head from the short man's reprimand, nodded in agreement. The man sighed and muttered something about "kids these days" under his breath.

We were discharged from the Hospital the same day. The train ride home was quiet. Iida was staring out the window,  a look of disappointment and disgust on his face. Shoto was asleep, and Midoriya was writing something down in his notebook. I managed to sneak a glance at the page before he noticed. Stain.

We all went our separate ways at the train station. Izuku and I kicked a rock to each other, not speaking a word. We stayed quiet all the way to the apartment. Inko wasn't back from work yet so we went straight to Izuku's room. He sat on his bed and laid down on the floor.

"So... Crazy night." I stared at the ceiling. "Yeah." Izuku swung his legs up on the bed. "So, we totally are going to talk about this right?" I sat up so fast I nearly fell forward. "THANK GOD." We spent the rest of the evening telling each other our povs and talking about the internships. We heard Inko come home and went to the living to greet her. We both ended up helping her make dinner, being careful not to mention how we almost died while we told her about our internships. 

That night I slept like a sleep deprived baby.

<658 words>

Authors Note:

Heyyy missed you guyss! Happy new year, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. The book is almost over and it's making me sad. Don't worry I am going to finish it, but I'll definitely miss it. I mean I have technically working on it for 3/4 years. I'm gonna need to know what other kinds of stories I should write. I will write literally anything. I know this is kind of a short chapter but I hope you all enjoy it! I'll be posting more very soon so be looking out for new chapters.

- Albion Orion

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