Gas Station

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First Person POV:

The class ran down the street towards the closest 7-11. Momo's parents didn't seem to mind, waving to us as we stumbled out of the door. Surprisingly everyone from the class joined. Bakugou didn't even need to be convinced and Iida didn't seem to care since we weren't technically sneaking out or doing anything against the rules.

The gas station was close by and it only took his about 5 minutes to get there. When we got there, Momo got a call. "Hm? Uh huh. Yeah! Ok thank you!!" She looked at all of us. "My parents said to choose whatever you want. They're paying." She held us her phone with her new balance. At the bottom it showed that her dad had sent her a couple hundred dollars which meant the rest of her massive sum must have just been her usual allowance. Damn.

The class picked quickly and we were mostly quiet. Denki tripped a couple times and knocked a display over. I could tell the cashier was already over us being there by the looked on his face. I got a bag of gummies and drink, Momo decided that was way too little and started piling random snacks into my arms.

"I'm not gonna be able to eat all of this Momo!!" I stumbled as she tossed a bag of who knows what onto the pile. "I'm sure someone will." She glanced at Denki and Kirishima who were playing rock paper scissors for the last melon bread. "Fair point."

We ended up watching horror movies for the rest of the night, with the lights on, and eating our mountain of snacks. Tomorrow we train.

The next day was filled with training and swimming in Yaomomo's backyard. We did teams and we sparred until it was dark. We ate dinner together and one by one headed home. Fighting robot won't be to hard as long as I don't break my spine again.

<328 words>

Author's Note:

Guys I feel so emptyyy TnT one of my favorite books on here, Siren Song, just ended and I feel sick... What do I do with my life now like what :') Im just hoping that the Time in a Tree series doesn't end soon and maybe there's a chance the author of I am Here will come back TnT anyways... I hope you guys enjoy this filler while I write the big chapter.

-Albion Orion

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