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First Person Pov:

I heard one of the large doors open and felt my posture immediately correct itself. I glanced towards the door and watched as Endeavor stepped out. He was taller than I remember him being. He was wearing his hero suit too. I finally took in his entire appearance and I felt my heart fall, taking my stomach down with it. I was terrified. It wasn't because of his height, or his flames, or even the fact that his arms were crossed. It was because he was staring right at me grinning from ear to ear. That smile could rival even my father's, and boy is it scary. Why was he smiling?

"SUZUKI! COME ON IN!!", The large man shouted over at me, a cheery tone to his voice. I did as I was told, and stood up from the bench. I grabbed my backpack and followed the man into his office. The office was large with windows instead of all walls but the one separating the hallway and the office. The city looked so small from the top floor. The room was mostly empty, except for a two couches against the separatig wall, A large desk with a cushioned brown chair behind it and two smaller brown chairs across from it, there were a few plants scattered in random areas in the room as well. A large rug sat in the middle of the room. It was mostly red, with orange and yellow mixed in.

Shoto Todoroki was sat at one of the two chairs in front of the desk. Endeavor motioned for me to take a seat next to him, so I did so. The large man stood behind his desk for a moment, until sitting down in the big chair. We all sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Shoto and Endeavor stared at each other the entire time. I watched as the hero's grin never faltered, even with his son staring him right in the eyes, a hateful look on his face.

I looked over at Shoto, hoping to catch his eye, but he wouldn't budge. The silecnce was deafening. After what felt like eternity, my classmate finally spoke up. "Why are you smiling like that. I don't think I've ever seen you genuinely happy before." The grin finally faltered, but only for a second, before it plastered itself right back on his face.

"I'm very hapyy Ms. Suzuki decided to join us this week." His eyes flickered to meet mine, then back to Shoto. "Ah, uh... I was actually wondering why you chose me." I questioned the flame hero in front of me. He nodded, and answered. "I invited you to join us this week because of your hatred for All Might of course." A look of disgust flashed across this face.

"I'm sorry, what??" I raised an eyebrow at the large man, who returned the favor. "Do you not? I'm 105% sure that I saw youu glaring at *cough* him during the Sports Festival." He looked into my eyes almost as if he was trying to pry something out of them. "Uhh, well... I mean, I don't hate him. Uhh, we um just had an argument bout something recently, soooo uhhh, yeah." Endeavor's face fell. "Ah well, you can still be part of our team this week. You did give Shoto quite a challenge in the Sports Festival, and I think you have great potential. We can work on the whole 'I don't hate All Might' thing too." He mumbled the last part to himself.

The week went surprisingly well. Endeavor was quite a bit of a hothead, but I learned that if you just insult him back in a joking way, he calms down a bit. We spent the first two days just doing theory, which SUCKED, and the third and fourth day we trained and went on parole with Endeavor. I thought it was going to be awkward, because Shoto doesn't seem to like his dad very much. Wanna trade? It wasn't awkward though. He treated him with almost as much respect as he would give a teacher. 

Nothing interesting had happened during my intership. I mean, we caught a few street thugs, but other than that we just followed Endeavor around the city. Today was Friday, the final day of the internship. I miss my bed. Throughout the week the flame hero had been trying to convince me All Might is the worst thing to happen to the world. Honestly, the more he brought him up the more I missed him. At least he tried to be a good dad after mom left. I think he gave up once I became a teenager. I mean being a teen is stressful, I bet taking care of one is hard to do too. It's really funny to imagine Number 1 Hero: All Might trying to help his teenage daughter with boy problems. 

Something else I learned this week, was that Shoto doesn't actually hate everyone. It's just his dad. I mean the kid is definately scary at first glance, an he has a MAJOR case of RBF, but he's really cool once you get to know him. I think I'm going to be seeing a lot more of him after this week.

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Hey I have no clue why it is taking me so long to get the words I wanna write down on the page. I'm doing almost my best and I promise I'll get this book done before Jan 24th

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