The Entrance Exam

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First Person POV:

We all started running, people splitting up into different alleyways and turning down streets. It wasn't until I was alone that I realized I hadn't made a plan. My quirk isn't very good for this kind of thing. 

I ran around looking for robots and checked the time, there was only 10 minutes left. "Fu-", before I could finish my *cough cough* word, I heard someone screaming for help.

I turned to my right and saw someone getting smashed by a piece of falling rubble. "If I can't get any points I'll fail, but if I leave them here they could get seriously injured.", I said this out loud, as I was under a lot of stress.

I reached my hand down and started to help the person out. I couldn't remember going over there. It was like that time with the sludge villain, it was as if my body was moving by itself. From that point on all I could think about was saving people. After saving about 6 or 7, I saw all of the other kids running towards me. At first I thought there were robots near me, that was until I heard a giant boom and some more screaming. I looked to the spot they were all running from, and saw a giant mech walking towards us. 

I took a closer look and realized it was one of the 0 point robots. When Present Mic had shown us the picture of it, I had assumed it would be a lot smaller. Instead, it loomed over us as if it was just another building in the city.

Once again I felt myself running, but not away like the rest of the group. I was running straight towards the giant metal monster. My heart was racing, I didnt have a plan, all I knew was that I had to run.

I was about 30 feet away from it when I heard a crash, and the 0 pointer started to fall down. I saw some kids were right underneath the machine, about to get crushed. I ran towards them, time seemed to slow. 

Everything was moving in slow motion, everything but me. I grabbed two of the three kids who had been standing there in shock. I pushed them out of the shadow of the bot, and ran back to save the third. Her foot looked like it had been hurt previously, meaning she couldn't walk. I picked her up and ran as fast as I could, trying to reach the edge in time. I heard the creaking sound of the robot falling getting closer. I saw the shadow getting darker with every second that passed.

I knew that it was either both of us getting smashed or just me. I threw the girl towards the other two and kept running. Just because I was going to get crushed, didnt mean that I should give up on trying to save myself.

"GAH!", I exclaimed, a sharp pain running up my spine. I felt light headed, and everything went black.

<556 words>



- Albion Orion

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