Chapter 5

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Next morning Sara woke up seeing she lying close to Barry neck she kissed his cheek "wake up barry" he groan and turn rubbing his eyes "morning sleepy head" she said he smiled kissed her lips "let's get up find rest of spear" he said she nodded got up letting him see everything he got up getting his boxers on and went behind her touching her scars kissing her neck "remember I love your whole body especially your neck" he continued kiss her neck and she moaned his name he smiled and left her room to changed she did too.

Barry went to cell to talk to rip "so rip any chance where the other bit of spear is" rip didn't talk he just smirk "you don't wanna talk to me what did thawne do to you" Barry brought up a scanner to him focusing on his head he knew then "well talk to you soon" Barry left and went to Sara office to see her looking for another sign of next spear stick "hey you doing ok" "just want to get rip back find these sticks spear" she said Barry nodded "there might be away get rip but need tell team" she nodded everyone was there "ok rip still not talking but I took a scan he has a serious wave in his Brain and my theory is a bit of rip is locked in his Brain your real captain is there" just then noise happen red alert "godeon" Sara said "im sorry I don't have access from you" she said "Mick go get rip everyone else strap in".

Waverider crashed  70 million in the past "Ray nate and amaya you go out look for things get ship back on again" Mick came back "rip in med bay knocked out" Ray nate and amaya left leaving Mick Stein jax Barry and Sara "gideon" Barry asked "in sorry creator" Barry nodded  barry went to med bay took another scan but looks worse he had an idea he was about to get the rest when they came in seeing Sara in front he jump "seriously but I'm glad your all here I have idea get rip back and I have to do it now" Sara looked at him "what" "go into his mind" "alright I'm coming with you" he looked at her "no" "as captain I'm going rip is my friend I'm going like it or not" "fine Stein jax want to hook us up".

Nate amaya wanted be alone as they got close Ray left to get food then came roar of a dinosaur  Ray came back tell them it's a dinosaur he met before the legends got back together back in waverider Sara and Barry was sitting in two separate chairs beside rip Stein put two needles in there necks and hand them a bracelet if time wake up shock themselves they entered rip mind they walking heard footsteps seeing people with guns "we need firepower" Barry lifted Sara up and speed to cargo bay "we could use weapons" Barry said open box with guns he lifted one "you think these would work barry" she asked just then man came in with gun Barry shot him "yep" Barry said just then he got hit by another Sara.

Sara and mind Sara fighting each other Barry shot her saving his Sara he got up "what the hell wait is that what you wear first time" " yes" he smirked "who knew close can make people very hot" she smiled kissed his lips "tonight you can have all this again" she whisper "yes lance" he kissed her head and left to find rip but met Ray and Mick in mind "Barry go find rip" he nodded and left her she start fighting Ray and Mick but Ray hold her and took her bracelet the one wake her up and broke it and got hit in the head.

Back in real world Mick told Jax and Stein to stop worrying that they got each other back that shocked both firestorm people and outside world Ray and nate were talking how nate shouldn't be with amaya Ray wanted to protect him because Ray met a future relative from amaya they watched amaya talked to a dinosaur.

Barry met gideon human being body they talked about rip and what thawne did to him they went to his cell to see Sara talking to him "sara" Barry said she got up "who you" she said looking at gideon "sara this is gideon" Barry said he tried open the door but got flown back to wall gideon went to him "Mr Allen you ok" "yes that hurt" he said gideon help Barry up "why doesn't it open" "sara remember who mind were in only rip can do it" he said gideon talk to rip and eventually he did Sara went to Barry seeing his head bit bleeding "I'm ok Sara" he smiled. They walked away from cell to see Sara again and firestorm "great sexy mind Sara again and firestorm" Barry said "no powers" firestorm said Barry swung his arms moving rotation blowing firestorm away Sara and mind Sara fighting again.

They got back to rip and gideon see Ray Mick and firestorm again "why can we get away from them" "rip listen to my voice I know it's hard being in your mind feeling trap but me and this Sara is real you might not think what real seeing them and us might think it's a trap but not than manipulate your mind to make the legends be your enemy but reality is there your friends you recruited them to help you and you succeed this is just a mind only you can get out we help you" Barry said Sara kissed Barry cheek the mind people was going attack but rip stoped them Barry took his bracelet off he took Sara hand put it on her "barry" she said he kissed her lips "you find away" she kissed back and pressed her button and faded "I'll leave you two for minuted before rip comes back" he said and smiled and waited.

Sara woke up "sara what happen" jax asked "we got rip but thawne manipulate his mind to think we captured him but it took while but we were in there Ray took bracelet and broke it so Barry give me his saying I'll find away" she finished then jax got defibrillator and shocked Barry in chest waking him up back in rip mind he talked to gideon they kiss and he left and in real world again he woke up Barry hold back jax getting close "rip" sara said "where I'm i" he said.

When nate amaya and Ray got back in ship and fixed it Sara went into office see rip in his brown long coat again "how you doing" "I don't know I am sorry Sara I remember everything" "it wasn't you ok" "you have an amazing guy with you" "yes but no one knows so" he nodded knowing not to tell "we're in bridge" she left saw team mates not long rip came and said "I'm sorry what I've done" "your not first one to can manipulated or angry by a meta human we will stop thawne and legion of doom besides they don't have all pieces to staff yet there more we still have one here" Barry said "what you mean Mr Allen" "first call me Barry second time of George Washington before Sara came to stop jax from killing you I swap one you were holding to normal stick with stupid drawings I did in seconds" Barry said "wow I am impressed Barry you are good assist to the team" "maybe but after all this over I will be back to central city and back with team flash or whatever if I am aloud back" he said bit sad "we need to know you know where last bit of spear is" Sara asked he said yes.

That night ever went to bed Barry stayed with Sara she was lying on his chest "thank you Barry for giving me bracelet and saving rip for team" he kissed her head "well Sara I'm here to help you and your team anytime" he smiled Barry start to think "see that spear of destiny we know it can write destiny or history but what about whole team" he asked she look "what" "what if all of us use it to rewrite our lives I don't have powers you and I our family like flashpoint you me Natalie your parents laurel my parents rip and his family" "no Barry it's too dangerous ok please don't say that ok I miss my sister and I know you miss your parents but I love you now so please don't change history just for what happen in flashpoint" he nodded had tears down his cheek "sorry" she kissed him then it went to love making again he stop thinking keeping his word to Sara.

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