chapter 13

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Barry and Sara went home "everything looks the same" Barry said "I couldn't" she said Barry looked at her "why don't I put Nat to bed and I make you bath you relax" Barry said kissed Sara  lips and took his daughter to room see it was pink and every thing seem nice "I'm sorry Natalie i wasnt here for start but I'm here now for you and mother I love you both I would do anything for you" Barry kissed Natalie forehead then  went to bathroom to set the bath up once it was in right temperature he walked down "my lady the bath is ready" she smile at him and walked up to him "why don't you strip me and lift me to it" he laugh "ok then" Barry lift her up and she put her legs around him.

Once in the bathroom Barry strip Sara and put her in "wanna join me bring in the baby monitor" she asked Barry speed getting clothes barry came in taking his clothes off and went behind  her he start to massage her shoulder and kissing her neck "I miss you baby" she said leaning her head on his chest "I missed you Sara lance you are my everything my home my lightning rod that I never knew I needed" she smile and turn kiss his lips which turn into make out moment.

After their bath time both changed something comfortable and Barry made both something to eat  both went and sat down on sofa watch tv "hey Sara would you like go out with me tomorrow and we let Joe look after Nat" Barry asked "of course sexy man" he smirk they start watch movie  together they watch mean girls remember time in ship "babe I have to go back on ship soon" he nodded "well I'll be happy if you need me but what about Nat" she looked at him "easy you can come with me or you have her because I don't want you be away from her life" he looked at her "What about you your her mom she need us" he said "well Barry she had me longer than you" he smile then kissed Sara lips she enjoyed it.

Barry took Sara to bed both lying in each other arms Barry rubbing her back "goodnight babe" she said kissing his lips then fell asleep crock of his neck Barry kissed her forehead "I'm glad I'm home" Barry said then getting comfortable but before he fell asleep Natalie cried he got up and went to her room "hey Nat daddy here" he said going over to her she saw him and stop crying "let's see if you need changing" he change her diaper "all better" she giggle "guess what Nat I'm going asked your mommy to be my wife again" he said forgetting baby monitor was there Sara heard him and she had wide  smile she felt happy he sing her a lullabye she fell asleep Barry came back and fell asleep.

Next morning Barry woke up early saw Sara still sleeping he woke up and went to Natalie room saw her waking and he took her out the crib and got a bottle and fed her he found Natalie adorable Once she was done he burp her he put her in baby basket and start making breakfast he felt arms around his torso he turn see Sara "hey honey morning" he said kissed her head "see next time I want wake up to my boyfriend but if our daughter need her daddy that's different" she smile "I love you Sara but I was going make you breakfast in bed" she smile "I rather be ready need hand" "just set plates" she nodded.

She was beside him Barry kissed her lips his hands going down to her ass then lift her up to counter she kissing him rough "pancake going burn Bartholomew" she grin he sigh and took pancake before it burnt Barry put eggs and bacon on and then start to eat breakfast together Barry feeling his pocket feeling box with ring in it "I'm glad your home" she said "me too" he said.

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