chapter 11

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Month after Barry came back from waverider Barry and Sara had lots of secret dates but she wanted  to tell rest so Barry organised every thing he invited team arrow Kara Blaine Santana and rest of team flash and legends they went to star labs hanger Barry speed in with Santana and Blaine "Barry what all this" Kara "thought  be nice spending time with friends and  I know someone last time had a break down Kara and she sorry" Barry looked at Kara and  smiled she looked at him "fine I'm sorry ok but I'm grand now" Barry looked at everyone "what happen bas" Blaine said "don't worry Blaine and Santana in past now" Barry said

Barry put music on everyone start to enjoy them selves Barry start to talk to Sara she smile at him and whisper in his ear " we missed you babe team knew how much I missed you" he looked at her with love she smile "well Sara I missed you we defeated another speedster and what I wanted to do was be with you and talk to this beautiful thing when it eventually comes out and we will love  he or she"  Sara looked at him and saw so much passion she now didn't care people here or what her nature like she loves Barry so she took hold neck  and kissed him he kissed back as it was usual and eyes widen except for Oliver or his two friends just happy found love.

"Well this is unexpected" felicity said then Sara walked up stage " everyone I have announcement yes me and Barry together started when on missions and I love him and were having a baby month now" Barry went up took Sara hand "then congratulations" Oliver said smiling " Barry kissed Sara head both walked down Barry hold Sara belly and smile at her "can't wait" he said "we be ok" she asked scared "we stop legion of doom I say we be alright" Barry then
Had idea "Blaine stage now have idea I'll be back" Barry speed out and back in minute with dalton uniform and his hair gel back everyone look shocked.

"You still have it" Santana said "sure not best memories but you got admit I'm so fucking hot in it" Santana laughed Blaine smile "what song Sebastian I mean Barry" "one of song live while we're young" Blaine nodded music start to sing

Barry and Blaine sings and dance apart from Kara and Santana people were so amazed of it once they stopped singing  Santana said "you still have the voice barry" Barry smirked just then noise came Barry got into normal clothes  floor start to shake Barry went to Sara "you ok" he asked she nodded "Central city university just reported an earthquake" said Cisco Barry looked at him "That's not an earthquake" Barry said some looked at him "Then what was it" asked thea  "Earthquakes
come from down below This this is something else". Barry said

"It's gettin' bad out there Emergency services will soon be overwhelmed" felicity said then another shake came
"That was 7.2" Cisco said "I'm reading  many kilojouls" Caitlin said this time "what has so much if that" said Santana Barry looked at wally "the speed force" Barry said everyone looked at him "but savitar dead" Cisco said "when we realise Jay it eventually becomes unstable" "how do we stop it" Blaine said "by giving what it needs" everyone stare at Barry "no Barry we need you I need you" Barry kissed Sara then kissed Sara stomach "look after her"  "Barry we can't let you" Oliver started  " this time you can't stop me whole city will get in trouble all this is my punished what I done of flashpoint" then portal open "barry" they looked "Barry it's your mother" joe said "it's the speedforce".

"Like all runners much eventually reached his finished line" speed force shape of Nora Allen said "you can't" Sara said Barry kissed her "Sara I love you don't forget that be strong I know you can be i know our friends will help you" Barry said "my beautiful boy time to rest" Barry hugged Sara Oliver came over "look after Sara" he nodded Barry hugged Santana Blaine Kara Joe "Barry it's time" Nora said Barry nodded and start to walk in speed force he look back at Sara she nodded both know she saying it's ok they walked in closer then everything lights portal lighting gone and lights back on oliver hugged Sara let her cry in chest "no not fair" Santana had tears.

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