chapter 25

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This is the last chapter

Today the day Sara and Barry get married barry wakes up and text Sara

Barry: hello my love I hope you sleep well I cannot wait to see you at the alter how my princess

Sara: hey sweetie I sleep good and can't wait to see you too I miss you by my side this morning  and my pillow and Natalie slept great

Barry: well that good I miss you last night to guess we see each other soon 😘😘


Barry oliver went to get breakfast "so you gonna ask Felicity get married" barry asked "maybe" oliver said barry nodded barry saw Blaine and kurt coming into jittles "looking forward for big day barry"  blaine asked "yes I love sara so much more than anyone before" he says Oliver smiled.

Sara was in room eating breakfast fruit and feeding Natalie caitlin amaya and zari came in "morning sara how the bride to be" asked Caitlin "excited can't wait to see barry I love him so much he show me light and he give me a beautiful child" she says "well seems you two help  each other" says Caitlin "yeah they did" said Amaya.

Barry was standing at the altar with Cisco and Oliver being his best man and Kara and Santana singing running home to you when door open see Sara walking down her dad walking her down barry turn and smile at Oliver then once  Sara hit the alter she kissed her dad cheek and barry shake it barry smiled at her "look beautiful" he says she smiled and thank him.

After there vows they did priest said "husband and wife you may kissed the bride" he says and barry and Sara kiss everyone clapped "finally" he says "we finally a family" she says "we always was" he says.

Years later
Barry and Sara stopped being heroes new generations happen Natalie is a speedster Felicity and Oliver got married and had a daughter name Mia but day came when barry died to save his family his friends in crisis even if some heroes were retired  they did one fight to save millions Sara live on making sure her daughter knew that her dad loved her.

Thank you everyone who read from start

The end

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