chapter 20

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Barry was kissing sara neck making her moan her hands under his top "be quite Sara don't wake Natalie up" he whisper biting her earlobe just then alarm went as baby cried "well that just great" he sarcastically said she laugh kiss his lips and went up "I'll go see you bring our daughter calm her down sing to her" she said both got up he slap her ass she smiled he smiled back she left Barry went to his daughter "hi nat it be ok just noise you get use to it" he said and picked her up rub her back and sang to her

Goodnight, my angel
Time to close your eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say
I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know
Wherever you may go
No matter where you are
I never will be far away

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay
And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark and deep
Inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me


Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullabye
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me
Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabyes go on and on...
They never die
That's how you
And I
Will be

They went to the bridge finished the lyric everyone heard and smile from Sara has her heart felt love seeing a sleeping Natalie in his arms her head on his shoulder "great singing barry" said Sara he smirked "there is something wrong in future there is a rogue time traveller in distress" said Sara he nodded barry got Natalie in her basket as she slept.

Can't remember what year Zari was from so making up

Year 2045

Barry was in his flash suit (season 8 nanotech) he tap behind his ear getting mask on he Sara and firestorm left waverider and track the person in  building "Zari tomaz" she got up and turned see people "flash your dead" she said "well I'm from past and second we here to help you I hear your time traveller what you want in this time" Barry said "trying save my family" she said "that not gonna work out" Sara said she touch her chest and wind came from her hands pushing Sara away "don't tell me it not gonna work you know nothing about me" she shouted Barry speed his hands making wind blowing Zari to ground before speeding putting meta cuffs to her hands.

Zari was in cell when Sara came down with barry still in flash suit "why you want go back" Sara asked "my brother is suppose to live but something happen and my parents my brother didn't make it I don't know what happen" Zari said "look I understand where you coming from but going back won't work that I know and you do then someone will have a different life that I know you might  not care but I don't think that what your parents or brother want I'm sorry I did same and I hate what I done I went in time and that cause people close to me with bad life one has powers she couldn't control and my other friend brother died because of me and that pain will stick with you forever" he said zari had tears "I'm sorry I needed see them make them alive" she said Sara open cell barry deactivate his mask "this is Sara and my name Barry" he said "join us Zari let us show you what we do might help" sara said Zari nodded.

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