chapter 15

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Barry woke up see sara waking on his chest looking at her ring barry smile played with her hair she looked up and kissed his lips "morning barr" barry smirk "very good morning fiance" she then got up and put panties and her bra on "i love you barry" he smile  cupped her cheeks and kissed her "i love you sara lance and when time right sara lance allen my everything" she kissed his lips "should we tell everyone" she asked "ill leave that up to you" she smile "barry all my life i never had a good relationship some used me i made oliver cheat then i died became assassin  now im captain of time ship thinking i wouldn't feel love but you made me better" he smile "well im glad i made someone life improved".

They got up and took shower together barry kissed her neck before washing her body they both got out and dried each other before change and barry made breakfast "hey sara i want take you to ohio my past we can visit santana and all just need do something first ill take you to star labs you can see nat and then we can go from there dont worry ill get things ready" sara smile and kissed his cheek "good idea she be  happy see you santana i mean" barry nodded.

Barry took sara and him to star labs they enter  cortex and saw the team even oliver and felicity "hey guys" barry smiled oliver saw the ring "congratulations" he said hugging sara and barry they saw ring and  start to congrats them barry went over to natalie "hey nat daddy here" he lift her from baby basket he walked back to sara "wally mind taking care city with vibe and frost" he nodded "stay here sara ill be back in no time" he kissed natalie head then hand her to sara kissed her head and speed away.

Barry bought a car and went back loft and pack baby bag his clothes and sara clothes  he then went to shop buy food even more nappies incase and baby food then drove to star labs barry walked in  smiling "sorry to disturbed you but its time we should go" he smirk "why you so happy" barry showed them keys "you bought a car" cisco said "you can drive" caitlin said barry nod sara put natalie in seat and took it with them everyone saw car and shocked how nice car is sara kissed him "love it" barry put natalie in car seat keep her safe barry hug joe "we be back tomorrow" they nod sara went in and saw how comfy seat are barry then drove off "sara you know if need anything let me know i have a secret remember when i blurt out my uncle abused me" she hold his hand "yeah" barry sigh.

"Well I'm now billionaire he was very rich but when police took him everything belong to me i sold the mansion he had i want you have good things our daughter too i love you two so much" she smile he smile "ok" barry nod sara looked back see bags then looked at natalie who is asleep  "bought your favourite chocolate too" he asked she smirk and she went to get some he carry on driving listen to soft music.

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