chapter 7

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Barry woke up he start kissing Sara neck they watch mean girl night before as Sara wanted to watch it she turned around see Barry smiling she smiled grabbed his neck pulling him on top of her kisising his lips he put his arm around her waist both kissing each other necks "I'm going back to central city today" he said "you coming back" "I'll stay for day see Santana and Blaine then might go see Oliver do you want me tell them about us" he asked she wasn't sure "not yet"he nodded understanding.

Barry text Santana said he coming back for a day   he got change and said goodbye to legends he took his suit Sara give him gideon did for him and he took his weapons Sara took the jump ship with Barry leaving him in star labs hanger "if you need me Sara just phone" she kissed him hug him "I'll see you tomorrow I love you" she said "I love you Sara lance" he cupped her cheek and kissed her lips "see you tomorrow give legion of doom hell" he said and she left him she felt wave of sadness missing him once she was out of sight Barry speed off to star labs.

Barry entered to see team flash they looked shocked they didn't know what to do but Blaine and Santana was there they ran up and hugged Barry "hey bas" "hey Blaine hey snixx" Barry said smiling "meerkat I missed you" then she slapped him in arm "that's for not telling me you be away" "sorry mom" he said and smirked "Your lucky I didn't go all lima heights on you" she said Barry laugh "o I'm still not scared of that beside your like my twin so if you want hurt your brother like well I'll just my go to lima and get slushy and throw it on you like old times but those days are past" he said they laughed making team flash confused.

Barry took Blaine and Santana to the lounge to talk "so how is klaine and brittana" "we are good Rachel give us a kid surrogate" Blaine said Barry smiled "I'm happy for you and you Santana" he asked looking at Santana she smiled " great what about you anyone" "I would say things but cameras but I had a wife in flashpoint" "well that brunette Caitlin said something about flashpoint how you went back in time first I think that cool" Santana said Barry chuckle "yes I had a wife and a child baby girl name Natalie but thawne killed them also now me and legends fighting group called legion of doom which has thawne he created it Damien darkh and Malcolm merlyn so it's been trippy but good it's fun legends are nice" Barry said smiling thinking of Sara which got Blaine and Santana smiling.

"Who is he or she" "what Blaine" Barry looked at him confused "you used to give me eyes but this is something more"  Barry chuckle "you two still know me also first I'm sorry klaine is endgame and second can't say for cameras but enough about me how is Rachel warblers new directionals" Barry said "everyone good Rachel doing amazing job with new directionals but she has help and Blaine coaches warblers they still shit but even though you were a jerk an ass you were better" Santana said that made Barry laughed "well not of competition sorry Blainey boy" they laughed.

They entered cortex Barry always took his bag with weapons "um Caitlin do you know where tyachon device is" "yeah why" "I need it legends against thawne darhk and merlyn and finding things that can rewrite history so stopping legion of doom" Barry said Caitlin nodded and left "Barry you think it's good Idea to do that incase you run and can't stop you already change so much" said Joe Barry roll his eyes "yes but you can't stop me after me and my friends talk and see Oliver I'm away again because I can feel I'm not welcome" Joe sigh "son I didn't" Barry took knife to Joe throat "i am not your son you said that when I told you first time about flashpoint".

Barry got rid of his knife and Caitlin came in with tyachon device "thanks" she hand it to him and took flash suit he took out comms and sensors and put it in his bag with weapons Barry had Oliver felicity came in barry laughed "weird I was going come over later" Barry said Oliver and felicity hug and laugh "wanna get coffee barry" Oliver asked Barry nodded "snixx killer I'm sorry I will see you later we go out tonight before I head back tomorrow" they hugged Barry and nodded "ok fieval promise" she took out pinky Barry laughed "what happen to Santana I knew" she laughed both them left then Oliver and Barry leaving felicity with team flash.

Oliver and Barry entered "how are you barry" "I'm actually good before I left as you can see I'm sorry from last time it was bad but I'm doing ok legends help alot fighting bad guys so much to say but anyway how you and star city much baddies" "still dealing with Prometheus but found out some one I trusted" "who" "Adrian chase long story what about you and legends" "trying safe history reality there a staff called staff of destiny but there different parts like sticks but three people are looking for them called legion of doom we know it's eobard thawne Damien darhk and Malcolm merlyn" "how how's Sara taking it" "thawne pulled them out time travel complicated and she doing fine not at start but we helping each other team find just tiring same time" Barry said took sip of coffee "seems like it".

Night time came Barry met Blaine Santana and both Oliver and felicity came with team flash Barry wasn't happy but didn't bother say anything they went to bar that had a karaoke they all talked and laughed Barry told them history place he been some found it amazing Santana took Barry hand and went to Karaoke and said "ladies and gentlemen time to blow this place down" she smiled and Barry chuckle

Once they stopped everyone stand and clapped and went down "wow bas amazing Santana good" they laughed "not first time we sang that when I tried see what he put in slushy he threw at you that made you nearly lose an eye we did that obviously I was better" Santana said Barry rolled his eyes "what every you think shaqueera" he smirked and took a shot team flash saw different side of him "after I help legends how about Santana Blaine we see Kara on earth 38 see how marls doing" Barry smiling "let is know" Barry phone went off to see Sara "I gotta get this" Barry went to different place

Barry:Sara hey how you getting on

Sara: fine missed you in my lonely bed watching movie what you doing

Barry: me Santana Blaine Oliver and felicity with team flash out drinking no were not friends yet but mission how everyone

Sara: we good mission done I'll tell you tomorrow when I get you what time suits you

Barry: early 9 I'll see you at hanger again I'll let you go see you tomorrow love you ms lance

Sara: love you Mr Allen

They hang up Barry turn to see Oliver who smiled "not a word she doesn't want anyone to know legends doesn't know yet" he nodded and Barry says goodbye so he can rest he went to star labs on med bay and fell asleep happy.

it must of been loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ