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I got a new phone and I was happy. But Ashley decided to call me and told me to meet her at Starbucks, which ruined my mood. I didn't want to, but I didn't want to seem like a wimp or a coward.

I got there and I saw her sitting at one of the tables. I sat across from her and I turned my gaze away from her. "Maybelle. I am so sorry, please forgive me," she pleaded and I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Do you think I'll forgive you after what you did? I was your closest friend and you back stabbed me by hooking up with my boyfriend and I'm pretty sure you slept with him." I angry as I glared at her.

"I didn't mean to...please understand," she begged and I shook my head. "No, I want you to understand. George meant everything to me and you knew that. But you lied to him and me. I'm done with you!" I screamed at her as I stood up.

I was about to storm off, but Ashley stopped me. "George feels bad. He wants to get back with you," she said quietly.

"I don't know if I should believe what you say anymore," I stated as I walked out of Starbucks. I was able to get to the bus in time and I was taken to work.

I sighed as I got down the bus and walked down the street to the building. I got inside and went to my office, I was still angry. When I got in my office, I saw flowers sitting on top of my office.

I took a deep breath as I grabbed them and walked out of my office and to Pierce's office. "For the love of God stop trying to flatter me," I warned as I threw the flowers to the floor.

His eyes widened when he saw me and then they relaxed. "Forgive me, but I did not send those," he defended calmly as he stood up. "I don't know what game you're playing, but I'm done with men. Just done with people. They lie and cheat and they're deceivers!"

I fell to my knees and started cry. I swear, I looked like an idiot. "Maybelle," he whispered gently as he squatted down in front of me.

"Let me take you somewhere."


"A park?" I asked as I looked out at the green grass. "Not just any park, but the best place to calm your nerves," he pointed out as he took me by the hand and started walking. I felt like we were a couple, but I ignored the feeling.

His touch sent shivers down my spine. I'm having the strange feeling again. Why does he make me feel this way?

No one was here, which I was kind of surprised. Normally there's people at parks, especially kids at this time of day. There's something in the air that doesn't feel right.

"We better go," he suddenly said as turned the other way and started running, pulling me along. Suddenly, a bullet hit Pierce in the shoulder and I screamed.

Another gunshot and a bullet hit him in the leg. He fell, making me tumble after him. We were surrounded by men in gray suits. They pointed their guns at us. Pierce grabbed me and a bright bubble formed around us.

I hid my face in his chest and then I heard an explosion. I look up and the bubble is gone and all the men are on the ground unconscious.

Pierce was also unconscious and I was freaking out. "P-Pierce!" I started to smack his cheeks to wake him up, but he didn't. "Oh my God, is he dead?" I was worried and scared at the same time.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I looked up to see a man in a gray suit. I screamed as he grabbed me. "Let me go!" I shouted as I squirmed around.

"Let her go!" I heard a voice and I turn my head back to see Pierce slowly standing up. He was hurt and there was pain written in his eyes and all over his face. But he had determination in his voice.

The man who was holding me unexpectedly dropped to the ground and I was released and fell to the floor. I scrambled to my feet as I ran to Pierce. He wrapped an arm around me and held me close. A bright blue, ribbon-like aura formed and started to circle around us.

Then, we standing on the sand of the beach. Pierce was on the ground while I was standing up. I looked down to see he was breathing heavily while his bleeding did not stop.

"Just get me in the ocean," he whispered and I nodded as I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the water. He floated as he closed his eyes.

The water began to glow around him and his wounds slowly healed. My eyes widened as I saw the bullets pop out of his wounds. The water began to sparkle and I was amazed by the beauty.

After a couple of minutes, Pierce sat up, but still floated on the water. "Oh. My. God." I was at a loss for words as I just stared at him with my eyes widened. He chuckled as he stood up and walked over to me.

"You should get back to work," he said and with those words, I was suddenly standing in the middle of my office. "Is this wizardry or something?"

I walked out of my office and I bumped into Mr. Hugh. "Maybelle, I need to talk to you," he informed and I nodded slowly.

We made our way to his office and I sat down in the chairs in front of his desk. He shut the door and came over and sat at his desk. "Is there something you would like to tell me?" He asked as he stared at me in my eyes.

I gulped as I shook my head slowly. "No, sir. Is there something wrong?" I asked and he took a deep breath as he sat back in his chair.

"Someone reported to me to have found you and Mr. Pierce happen to be doing something in the conference room," he explained to me with a raised eyebrow.

He was referring to sex. I would never do that. Why would I do that? He's crazy. And whoever reported, I will strangle them.

"That is absurd. Whoever reported that has an obvious grudge against me. Pierce wasn't even with me in the conference room. He was sick and ran out of the office before we could even start business about the new project."

Mr. Hugh nodded slowly as he stood up. "I suggest you stay away from him. Getting close to him is dangerous," he said and I stood up as well.

"And I suggest you to keep out of my personal business. I don't need orders from my boss on how to live my life." With that said, I walked out of his office and back to my own.


My phone rang and I saw it was George. I groaned as I answered it. I shouldn't have, but I wanted to know what he wanted to say  to me. "Maybelle. I know you must hate me, but hear me out," he said as he took a deep breath.

"I made the biggest mistake and I absolutely regret it. It kills me, knowing that I will never get to see you smile again. I've hurt the most beautiful and important woman in my life. I am so sorry, will you forgive me?"

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. Hot tears spilled out of my eyes. "George. I can't forgive you," I replied quietly.

"I sent flowers to your office, hoping that you would maybe think about it."

It was him that sent the flowers? I feel so stupid now since I went to Pierce's office, acting like an idiot.

"I'm not going to think about it. I don't want to. Goodbye George, I hope we don't have to talk again." I hung up and I started to sob.


I had the worst lag in history while writing this. I hope you liked it.

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