My blood

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Riddhima rolled her eyes and moved away from vansh

She sat in her bed with her phone in hand. Then her phone rung. She got a call from sonakshi. She picked up

Riddhima: haan, sonah

Vansh's attention gone towards riddhima

Sonakshi: mumma , today the exam was very easy the topics I studied came.

Riddhima: very good. Had your food?

Sonakshi: offo mumma it's only 6.00pm here. You are forgetting that you are in india. Serbia is 4.30 hours late than india. I am having my snacks now.

Riddhima: ok baby have food and have fun. Once my work completes I will come home soon. Bye . Luv you

Sonakshi: bye mumma love you too

Vansh came forward towards riddhima and asked her
"Did you spoke to sonakshi? How is she?"

Fine riddhima replied with a huff.

Vansh: riddhima I want to meet her when is she coming??

Riddhima: she is not coming anywhere. I will go to serbia once job get completed.

Vansh: riddhima please. I accept that what I have done to you is very wrong . For that I am ready to apologize for a thousand times but.....

Riddhima: Really?? Thousand times.. ok apologize.

Saying so she started eating
eating having her food

Riddhima ( munching): start . I have other works to do rather than  listening your apology.

Vansh understood the situation and started apologizing. He apologized for 645 times then

Riddhima: stop. Enough for today. You can continue remaining tomorrow. 

Saying so she left with her tray.

Vansh sat down in the bed with his hands closing his on face.

Vansh's pov
I have done very wrong to you riddhima.  I trusted kabir over her. How hurt she must be?? She missed my care for her during pregnancy. My daughter my sonah she missed father's love. How can she stop me from meeting my daughter? I have the same right on her same as riddhima. I want both my wife and daughter to be with me. I can't lose them again. For that I can go to any extent.

Just then riddhima entered the room.
Vansh back hugged riddhima . Riddhima was shocked.

Riddhima: what are you doing?? Leave me.vansh...
Vansh( while nuzzling her ): what's wrong in this riddhima?? I am your husband after all.
Riddhima: shut up leave me. Or else...
Vansh: or else.. what will you do?? Scream?? Do it let the family also know what we are doing.
Riddhima: leave me vansh. She pushed him by hitting him
Vansh: well that hurts. But not much than your silence.
Riddhima: listen .  The day you announced ahana as your wife . Your wife your riddhima died. I changed myself a lot . I don't love you anymore.
Vansh: that's what you think. But you do love me. That's why you saved my blood and you are growing . My daughter.  My sonakshi..she.
Riddhima: she is mine. She said while holding his collar and continued
Riddhima: sonakshi is my daughter . she is mine only mine. I have gave birth to her and grown her up. You have snatched everything from me . My identity,  my family,  my love everything.  You have broke me. Dammit.
Vansh was teary eyed.
Riddhima: if you dare to snatch her away from me then sonakshi will have dad ofcourse but not mom. I will go away from her and think the life of a child without her mother . You know it right??
Saying so she went and slept in the bed. Covering herself with duvet. Vansh lie beside her with silence and teary eye.

Vansh's pov:
I am sorry riddhima. Pl apologize me.

Hey guys that's it for today. I want your guys opinion what do you guys want in upcoming riddhima's revenge on ahana and kabir and entry of sonakshi or riddhima's revenge on all the family and sonakshi's entry

Revenge of  riddhima Where stories live. Discover now