Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 35. The Quadripolar boy

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Controlling your emotions is so easy when the person causing them is not in front of you.

You feel strong, able to move on and get on with your life without that person. It's like your self-control, your self-esteem recharges. It takes days, weeks, to regain that strength.

But it only takes a second to destroy it.

The moment that person appears in front of you, that your stomach turns, your hands sweat, your breathing quickens, your strength falters and it is so unfair after it has cost you so much to build it.

Ares Hidalgo is in front of me and a single look from those eyes that I love so much is enough to weaken me. The very presence of him overwhelms my senses. However, I fight against my heart, against my emotions, against everything he awakens in me and I keep my head up. Because my life has become so complicated because him, his indecisions, his instability. I've had enough, I don't want any more problems with my mom.

"What are you doing here?" I am surprised by the coldness of my voice and he is, too.

He raises his eyebrows, "Won't you let me in?"

"Why should I?"

He looks away, smiling, "I... just... May I come in, please?"

"What are you doing here, Ares?" I repeat my question, my arms crossed over my chest.

His eyes fall back on me, "I needed to see you."

My heart races but I ignore it, "Well, you saw me."

He puts one foot on the door, "Just... let me in for a second."

"No, Ares." I try to close the door but I'm not quick enough and he walks in, forcing me to take two steps back. He closes the door and takes a drink from the bottle. I can only say something that I think will scare him, "Mom is upstairs, I just have to call her to come and get you out."

He laughs and sits on the couch, puts the bottle on the small table and rests his elbows on his knees, "Your mom has a shift today."

I furrow my eyebrows, "How do you know that?"

He looks up and a mischievous smile forms on his lips, "You think you're the only stalker here?"


I decide to ignore his answer and I focus on trying to get him out of here before Yoshi arrives and the third world war breaks out, maybe if he says what he came to say, he will leave, "Okay, you're already in. What do you want?"

Ares runs his hand over his face, looking so sleepless, tired and drunk, "I want to talk to you."

"Speak then."

He takes another long sip from the bottle and lets out a great breath of air, he opens his mouth but closes it again, as if he doubts what he means. I'm about to tell him to go away when those lips I've kissed open again to utter two words that will take my breath away:

The two words he least expected to hear from him, not now, not ever.

"I hate you."

His tone is serious, his expression dead cold.

The statement takes me by surprise, my heart sinks in my chest and my eyes burn, but I act like it doesn't affect me, "Okay, you hate me, understood, is that all?"

He shakes his head, a sad smile dances on his lips, "My life was so fucking easy before you, so manageable and now..." he points at me with his index finger. "You have complicated everything, you... have ruined everything."

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