Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 51. The Hidalgo

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The imposing Greek's sun burns my skin, and forces me to hide behind sunglasses. The weather, unlike at home, is not cold, but not hot either, staying in a middle ground that I have enjoyed very much since we arrived.

I'm lying on a chair in front of the resort's crystal clear pool; the view is relaxing, you can see the whole coastline and the beach beyond the pool. For me, Greece has always had an air of antiquity, of history, that gives you a strange feeling, but in a good way.

Next to me, my grandpa is sitting, Claudia is standing next to him, picking up his medicines from a table under an umbrella. She is wearing a red bathing dress that matches her hair and a see-through dress that barely covers her.

"I think I've had enough."

Grandpa grunts and starts to get up. I help him and Claudia to stand up.

"Yes, it's time to rest."

Grandpa gently lets go of my grip.

"Ares, son, I can still walk alone."

I raise my hands in the air.

"It's clear to me."

I watch them cross the glass doors, and the sound of a notification catches my attention; like crazy, I pick up my phone, but there is nothing.


I haven't heard from Raquel in over two hours.

And shit, I'm so out of focus.

I called her to wish her happy new year when midnight came here, but after that I heard nothing more from her, not even when midnight came there. I have sent her messages, I have called her and there is no answer, is she still asleep? Even though it is already three o'clock in the afternoon here, it is still early in the morning there.

Another notification sound, but I have my cell phone on my hand so I know it's not mine, but Apolo's, which is on a chair.

Apolo is swimming in the pool, for a change, swimming has always been his hobby since he was little. I stare at his phone screen, amazed at the amount of notifications he has received from Facebook?

Apolo has never been very active on Facebook, has he?

But the notifications don't stop. So I walk to the edge of the pool with a towel and his cell phone in hand, bending down as Apolo emerges from the water, shaking out his hair.

"Your phone is going to explode,"

Apolo gives me a confused look.

"My phone?"

"Since when have you been so active on Facebook?"

"I am not."

Apolo sits on the shore, puts the towel around his shoulders and shakes the water out of his hand to grab his phone. I sit next to him because I have nothing better to do, now that the witch is ignoring me.

Apolo moves his finger over the screen of his phone, and I see his expression of confusion growing.

"Oh, shit."

"What's wrong?"

As if my cell phone wanted to respond, the bombardment of notifications started to get to mine as well. I'm about to check when Artemis appears in my field of vision and doesn't look at all cheerful, he's holding his cell phone in his hand.

"Apolo," Artemis grunts and I see my younger brother lower his head. "Why did you upload that picture without permission?"

I look at both of them.

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