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Original Edition: 10. The Plan

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"Are you all right?" Apolo asks as soon as I face him again, "Your face is all red."

I struggle to fake a slight smile, "I'm fine, it's just a little warm in there."

Apollo's eyebrows narrow, almost touching, "You saw something unpleasant, didn't you?"

No, actually, I just left your brother with an erection the size of the Eiffel Tower.

Apollo takes my silence as a yes and shakes his head, "I told Artemis that the candles' room was not a good idea, but he doesn't listen to me, why would he? I'm just the kid in the family."

There's some bitterness in his sweet voice, "You're not a kid."

"That's what I am to them."


"Ares and Artemis," he sighs and takes a sip of his soda, "Even for my parents, they don't ask for my opinion for anything."

"That can be a good thing, Apollo. You have no responsibilities. This is a stage of life that according to my aunts we should enjoy, there'll be time to worry about things when you're an adult."

"My life is boring. I have no friends, at least not genuine ones, and in my own family I am nothing."

"You sound so sad to be so young."

He plays with the metallic edge of the soda, "My grandfather says that I'm an old man inside"

Uh, the Hidalgo grandfather, the last thing I heard of him was that he'd been admitted to a geriatric home. His four children had made the call, including Apollo's dad. And judging from the sadness in Apollo's eyes, I can say that was one of the many decisions in which he didn't had a voice.

That innocent and cute face shouldn't look so sad. So I get up and offer him my hand, "Want to have fun?"

Apollo gives me a skeptical look, "Rachel, I don't think-"

The alcohol still circulating in my veins motivates me even more, "Get up, Lolo, it's time to have fun."

Apollo laughs and his laughter reminds me so much of his brother's. The only difference is that Ares' laughter doesn't sound innocent but ridiculously sexy, "Lolo?"

"Yes, that's you now, forget Apollo, the good and well-behaved boy, now you're Lolo, a boy who came to have fun tonight."

Apollo gets up, "Where are we going?"

I ignore him, leading him downstairs. I'm surprised I don't fall going down those steps.

I get to the bar and order 4 shots of vodka and a lemonade, the bartender serves them in front of us, "Are you ready?"

Apollo smiles from ear to ear, "I'm ready."

Before I can say anything, Apollo takes one drink after another with only seconds apart. Slamming the four small, empty glasses on the bard. He looks at me and ?I watch in horror as he tries to hold onto the bar while his body absorbs that much so suddenly.

"Oh shit, I feel very strange."

"Are you crazy! Those were for me! The lemonade was for you!"

Apollo puts his hand on his lips, "Ups!" He takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor.

"Apollo, wait!"

Ok, this is where things start to get ugly.

My original plan was to have a toast with Apollo —he taking lemonade— take him to dance, introduce him to a girl so he could talk to and then let him go home with a smile on his face.

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