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Original Edition: 40. The Drunken Girl

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That combination has invaded the night, I never thought I could sweat like this, but apparently dancing in a crowd of people has that effect. I pull my hair back, looking for a place to sit at the table. Everyone is cheerful right now, we've had too many drinks for anyone to be sane.

I'm a little dizzy, so I pause my drinking. 

Marco appears, and his eyes meet mine.

"Why don't you dance with me, Raquel?"

My sight travels to Ares, who is talking to his friends, but still glances at me frequently. Ares and I are in a very fragile situation right now. Although I'm making him win my heart, I don't want to do anything that could lead to misunderstandings or uncomfortable situations. Also, Marco hasn't been entirely friendly with me.

Marco is waiting for my answer, and I wrinkle my nose.

"Nah, maybe another day."

Marco says nothing, just grabs his glass and, without taking his eyes off me, takes a long drink.

Gregory gives me five.

"What are you doing for Halloween? Do you have plans?"

"Not really, it's still two weeks away."

"We think we're going to a party in town, I imagine you're coming."

Ares has not mentioned it.


Gregory sighs.

"Do you think I should be a vampire or a sexy cop?"

I openly laugh. Why does he have two such opposite options?

Gregory taps my shoulder gently.

"Seriously, I need a girl's opinion."

"Hmmm," I look at him and imagine him in both costumes. "I think you'd make a very sexy vampire."

"I knew it!" He looks proud and I just smile.

I feel someone looking at me and I glance around. Andrea is murdering me with her eyes.

"Your girlfriend doesn't look very happy," I commented, taking a sip of my margarita. Gregory gives him a quick glance.

"She's not my girlfriend."

I don't say anything, not wanting to seem nosy, but Gregory keeps talking.

"I liked her a lot, but..." he gives her a nostalgic look. "She's just like her friends."

"What do you mean?"

"All the boys at this table are from wealthy families," my eyes go through each one of them: Ares, Zahid, Oscar, Luis, Marco, and I end with Gregory. "They are the next managers and owners of companies, corporations and businesses."


Gregory points to several guys dressed in black around the bar.

"See those guys?" I nod. "They're bodyguards, we're never alone, even if it looks that way."

But what does that have to do with Andrea? Gregory seems to see the confusion on my face.

"There are very few people who approach us without any interest. Andrea..." I notice the slight sadness in his voice. "Let's just say that her feelings were not genuine."

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