Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 56. The Birthday II

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How to leave a party in absolute silence?

Just invite three Greek gods, it works perfectly. Even the music has stopped, but don't think it's some magic trick or something, no, it's just that my aunt Helena is in charge of changing the songs and she is dazzled by the three guys in front of me.

The truth is, I understand my family, it takes time to get used to them. I feel the need to break the silence.

"Thanks for coming, guys," I tell them from the bottom of my heart. I can't deny that I'm surprised to see Artemis here, I never imagined he would come.

Apolo gives me a sweet smile and I hear Camila sigh behind me.

"You don't have to thank us for anything, thanks to you for inviting us."

My aunt Carmen, of course, cannot keep quiet.

"Raquel, baby, where are your manners?"

That awkward moment when you have to introduce your beautiful boyfriend and his siblings to your family.

"Apolo, Ares and Artemis, these are my aunts Carmen and Maria, and my cousins: Cecilia, Camila, Yenny, Vanessa, Lilia and Esther."

After all the protocol, and my cousins fainting, the Hidalgos go to a group where Daniel (Dani's brother) and other guys are talking. My cousins let out a shriek.

"Oh, my God, Raquel! Your boyfriend is... I can't explain it."

Cecilia is mute. My aunt Carmen says nothing either. My aunts go to talk elsewhere, leaving the large group of girls alone.

Camila sighs.

"Apolo... Even his name is pretty," she grabs my shoulders. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

My eyes meet Dani's, who seems to be quite annoyed with Camila's interest.

"Oh, I think he does have a girlfriend."

Camila pouts.

"Oh, no, of course he has a girlfriend. How could that cute, beautiful thing not have a girlfriend?"

Yenny takes a sip of the fruit drink with a little alcohol that we prepared.

"Boyfriends? Fuck relationships, I'd give anything to fuck the oldest one."

Cecilia spits out her drink.


I can't help but smile. Vanessa gives Yenny a high five.

"You read my mind, one night is all I ask of any of those guys."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

Vanessa laughs.

"Take it easy, not yours, the other two."

Dani intervenes.

"Apolo also has a girlfriend. Remember?" Vanessa looks at her.


Dani can't hide her annoyance.

"So? Would you mess with a guy who has a girlfriend?"

Vanessa snorts.

"I don't want to marry him, one night, a few hours will be enough."

They all whistle and fuss, standing up to how direct my cousin is. I admit it reminds me of how direct Ares is. Apparently, there's someone like that in every family.

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