Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 7. The Advice

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- 7 -

"You can't die!" I shout at the TV screen. This is what I hate about The Walking Dead, the fear that some of my favorite characters can die at any time.

Yoshi eats Doritos by my side. "We're going to finish the season and we won't know who dies."

I snatch the Doritos bag out of his hands, "Shut up! If that happens, I swear I won't watch this show again."

Yoshi huffs, fixing his glasses, "That's what you've been saying since season one."

"I'm weak, okay?"

We're both sitting on the floor, our backs against the bed behind us. It's really hot so I'm wearing shorts and a white t-shirt without a bra. I'm more than used to walking around Yoshi like this and I know he is too. Rocky sleeps peacefully by the window.

My room is a decent size, with a Queen size bed and posters of my favorite fandoms all over the purple walls. I have small Christmas lights glued to the top of the walls that look beautiful during the night.

We are completely focused on the TV when the episode ends and the credits roll out, "Noooooooo! I hate you, producers and writers of The walking dead! I hate you!"

"I told you!" Yoshi grins. I hit the back of his head, "Ow! Not my fault."

"How can they do this to us? How can it end like this? Who is going to die?"

Yoshi hands me the glass with cold Pepsi, "Here, drink."

"I'm going to die."

"Relax, it's just a Tv show."

I turn the TV off in total depression and sit in front of Yoshi. He shifts a few times, seeming troubled and I know it's not about the show. His eyes hold a glow I haven't seen before. He gives me a slight smile.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Kind of."

The atmosphere changes between us. It feels different somehow, I don't really know how to explain it or what to say. It makes me nervous to see him hesitate so much. I wait for him to elaborate. I know I have to give him his time.

Yoshi licks his lower lip, "I need your advice on something."

"I'm all ears."

He takes his cap off, leaving his messy hair free, "What would you do if you like a friend?"

I tilt my head, not expecting that question, but I go casual about it, "That's pretty easy, tell them?"

"Wouldn't you be afraid to lose their friendship?"

And then my little brain clicks and starts to consider that I may be that "friend". I'm not being self-centered but Yoshi doesn't have many female friends, just me and a few acquaintances. Yoshi waits for my answer, his eyes everywhere but me.

"Are you sure about what the way you feel?"

His eyes finally meet mine, "Yes, I'm pretty sure. I really like her."

"When did you realize you liked her?"

"I think I've always known. I've been a coward, but I won't hide it any more." He lowers his gaze and sighs. When he looks up at me again, his eyes hold a brightness full of emotions. "I'm dying to kiss her."

Instinctively, I bite my lower lip. "Oh, really?"

Yoshi moves a little closer, "Yes, her lips are a temptation, she's driving me crazy."

My chest feels strange, my stomach uneasy, "She must have nice lips, then."

"Not only her lips. She's the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life. She has me bewitched."

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