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Original Edition: 5. The Cemetery II

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For the second time in the night, Ares laughs openly. I have no idea what seems so funny because I'm not joking but I can't complain, the sound of his laughter is wonderful.

When he stops laughing, he shakes his head, "You're crazy. Why would I fall in love with you? You're not even my type."

"We'll see," I wink at him. "And maybe I'm crazy, but my determination is impressive."

"I can see that." He goes back to sit on the grave.

Trying to calm the tension between us, I speak, "Why did you come here this late?"

"It's quiet and lonely."

"You like being alone?"

Ares glances at me, putting another cigarette between those lips that I've pictured myself kissing.

I feel like I know so little about Ares, despite of kind of stalking him for so long.

"Why are you still here?" His question offends me. Does he want me to leave?

"I'm afraid to go back by myself."

"You're safer in that dark forest than here with me."

"What do you mean?"

Exhaling the smoke, he replies, "Don't play innocent, Rachel."

"I really don't know what you mean."

Ares touches a spot next to him before speaking, "Come, sit by my side. Don't be afraid because according to this bizarre situation I should be the one scared, little stalker."

I'm blushing again, but I obey like a puppet and sit beside him.

We are silent for a while. I can't believe I said all these things to him. A shiver runs through me and I tremble a bit. It's already night, and despite being dark I can see clearly. The moon has already made its way through the black clouds, illuminating the cemetery. Not the most romantic view of the world but being next to Ares makes it perfect. .

I steal a look at his profile and his eyes are on the horizon. God, he's so handsome.

As if sensing my look, Ares turns to me, "What?"

"Nothing," I say hastily, looking away.

"You like to read, don't you?" His question catches me off guard.

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Your computer had a lot of information."

"You haven't apologized for hacking my computer yet."

He laughs softly, "And I won't."

"You broke the law doing that, you know that, right?"

"And you broke it too, stalking me, you know that, too, don't you?"

"Fair point."

My phone rings and I answer quickly, it's Dani, "Your mother is asking me what time you'll get home."

"Tell her I'm on my way."

"Where the hell are you? I know that football practice ended a long time ago."

"I'm..." I glance at Ares and he just gives me a smirk, "In the bakery, I craved a donut."

A very attractive donut.

"A donut? Really?"

"Just tell Mom I'm on my way." I hang up before she can ask another question.

Ares still has that smile on his lips, "You lied. Am I your dark little secret?"

"No, it's just... that explaining her over the phone would've been complicated." I don't let him question my answer, "Could you... Walk me out of here? At least, out of the forest, please?

"Of course." I smile, "But that comes with a price." he stands up.

"A price?"

"Yes," he takes his umbrella and points it at me, forcing me to step back to prevent the tip of it from touching my chest. "Let me kiss you wherever I want."

My cheeks burn, "It's... that's a high price, don't you think?"

"Are you afraid now?" He says mockingly. "Or is it that being extroverted and brave was just acting?"

I give him a bad look, "No, it just seems to me like an excessively high price."

He shrugs. "Then enjoy your walk in the dark." He turns to sit down again.

"Wait," I gulp, "Okay."

Ares turns to me again, smiling amused, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said okay!"

"What's okay? I want you to say it." he comes closer to me, wreaking havoc in me.

He gets so close I have to lift my face to look at his, "You can kiss me wherever you want."

His hand holds my jaw as he runs his thumb over my lower lip, "I like that obedience."

My heart is on the verge of collapse, "Can we go now?"

Ares licks his lips slowly, looking straight into my eyes, "I need my incentive to start walking."

"I said I'd pay the price."

His face is mere inches from mine, "Do I have your word?"

I nod, "Yes."

"Let's see if that's true."

"What-" a gasp comes out of my lips when he leans over and buries his face in my neck, his hair brushing my cheek, "Ares, what are you..."

"Quiet." He orders and I comply, but I can't stop shaking. His warm breath strokes my neck, arousing my hormones. I try to back away but he uses his free hand to hold me by the waist. "Don't move, Rachel," he whispers in my ear, causing delicious shivers all over my body.

I can't believe this is happening. Ares is this to me, his warm breath on my neck, his hand on my waist. Am I dreaming?

"You're not dreaming."

Shit! I said it out loud.

Shame doesn't fit in my body, however, the moment Ares's lips make contact with the skin of my neck, I forget everything. Ares leaves wet kisses along my skin, until he reaches my earlobe and sucks on it lightly. My legs weaken and if it is not for him who holds me firmly, I would already be on the ground. What are you doing to me?

I am trembling, small threads of pleasure cross my body leaving me breathless. A pressure is born in the lower part of my belly and I can't believe he is causing me all that by just kissing my neck.

His breathing quickens, apparently I'm not the only one affected by this.

When his attack ends on my neck, he continues to kiss one side of my face and continues to move across my cheek, until he presses his lips against the corner of mine. I part my mouth in anticipation, waiting for the contact, I wait for his kiss but it never comes.

Ares steps back, smirking, "Let's go."

I'm gasping and quite excited. Are you going to leave me like this? I want to ask him but I stop before the plea comes out of my lips.

Ares picks up his umbrella and starts walking looking completely unaffected by what just happened.

Regaining control of body, I follow him.

I know that tonight has just been the beginning of something that I don't know if I can handle but at least I'll try.


Author's note: I hope to update this frequently since most of it's already written in Spanish. Translation can take time though, lol. Thanks for giving it a try!

Ariana G. 

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