Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 19. The Message

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- 19 - 


I love swimming.

It distracts me and the feeling of floating in water makes me feel like I'm flying, the pool floor being the far away land. After swimming and changing, I walk inside the house drying my hair with a towel. The AC makes me shiver but I can handle until I get to my room.

On my way, I pass by the playroom and wonder if Ares is still playing, I don't want him to become better than me in that game. I'm about to come in when I hear the moans. My hand freezes halfway. Chills cross me when I hear the clear moans of a girl. I walk away from the door, finding Claudia in the hallway.

"I didn't know Samy was here."

Claudia makes a face, "It's not Samy."

"Then who is it?" Ares wouldn't bring a one night-stand to his playroom, only Samy has been there.

Claudia sighs, "I think she's our neighbor."

My eyes almost pop out of my face, "Rachel?"


"Oh shit... I didn't see that coming. I thought they hated each other."

Claudia smiles at me. "Sometimes, attraction is disguised as hate."

I'm speechless. Raquel is so kind and nice and Ares is so... well, Ares.

Claudia walks with me towards the kitchen, "Do you want a toasted sandwich?"

I raise my fist to clash it against hers, "You know what I like."

Claudia laughs, "You're very easy to please."

"I bet he is," Artemis appears at the kitchen door. His cold presence kills any kind of good vibe we have. "Do we pay you to talk or work, Claudia?"

I let out a tired sigh, "Leave her alone, Artemis."

He just stands there watching us, Claudia prepares the sandwich and hands it to me. She turns to leave the kitchen and I notice how Artemis' gaze follows every move she makes and how he looks at her body as she walks out.

"Oh shit! You like her!"

Artemis frowns, "What are you talking about?"

"You like Claudia." I accuse him, watching his reaction carefully.

"Swimming made you speak non-sense today."

Why am I getting angry? I speak through my clenched teeth, "Then why aren't you denying it?"

Artemis gives me a murderous look. "I don't have to deny such stupid statement."

And with that he leaves but I chase him, this conversation is not over.

We get to the middle of the room when Rachel steps out the hallway that leads to the game room, crashing against Claudia. Her hair is a mess and tears are rolling down her cheeks, she is in her own world. She doesn't even notice any of us. She leaves the house, slamming the door. Artemis, Claudia, and I share a look of confusion. For a moment, I think of following her but I know it's not a good idea.

"Isn't that Rachel?" Artemis asks, and I'm surprised he remembers her name. Artemis only remembers people that matter to him. I didn't think our neighbor was one of those people.

Angrily, I head for the playroom, Ares will listen to me.




"Strawberries and whipped cream?"

I shake my head, "No."

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