Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 22. The game

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"Rachel! Rachel! Rachel!"

I never thought that the first cheer they would ever give me would be for me to drink alcohol. Apollo, Samy, and Gregory are around me at the edge of the pool, offering me a shot of tequila. And I hesitate, the truth is I feel a little dizzy, I have lost count of how much alcohol I have consumed so far and that is not good. Especially since I'm in the pool.

Defeated, I take the small glass and take the shot. The tequila runs down my throat setting everything on fire on its way to my stomach. I wince but Apollo gives me a high five, "Yeah!"

"I'm surprised," Samy admits smiling.

Samy has just been kind and very attentive to me, she looks like a good girl. Although I know that she likes Ares, it's obvious, I don't dislike her. She hasn't done anything to me.

Gregory sips his drink and huffs, taking a deep breath, "It feels softer every time, it doesn't even burn my throat anymore."

"That's because you're already drunk," I pat him on the back.

I look into the deep end of the pool and see the stupid Greek God, talking to Marco, they both look very serious. Shame invades me when I remember myself dancing for Marco. Are they talking about me? Oh God!

The water is hot and feels divine against my cold skin, little waves that form when we move and they crash against the back of my arms.

"We should play something," Gregory offers, tossing his hair, splashing us all.

Apollo holds his chin thinking, "Something like hiding?"

Samy laughs, "No, something more fun! Like truth or dare or Never have I ever."

I knit my brows together, "Never have I ever?"

Samy nods, "Yes, I'll explain it. For example, let's say I start: I say Never Have I ever gotten drunk and those people who have done it take a sip."

"What if you've done it too?"

"I also drink, it's funny because you'll know the things that others have done or not done when you see them drink or not. The suspense is great."

"Okay," says Gregory. "But do we need more people or what?"

It's only us and that group with Ares over there in the pool. The rest of people has left already. I have no idea what time it is.

Gregory yells for the group and the three boys swim towards us. I get nervous because I haven't interacted with Ares since our little conversation.

We get out of the pool, and the cool night wind gives me chills, my dress sticks to my body but I have drunk so much that I no longer care. We sat on the wet floor in a circle. Apolo and Gregory are by my sides, by their side Samy, then Marco, Ares and Luis. The tequila bottle is in the middle. Ares is sitting across me.

Samy explains the rules again to the newcomers.

Ares snorts, "What kind of game is this?"

Samy glares at him, "I already explained the rules so just play."

"Anyone brave?"


Samy sighs, "Cowards, I'll start." She takes her glass. "Never have I ever sneak out of my house." She drinks and everyone else drinks too, but I don't.

They look at me in surprise, "What?"

Gregory rubs my head, "Aw! You are a well-behaved little angel."

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