Wattpad Original

Original Edition: 45. The Boyfriend

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People are not what they seem.

Never judge a book by its cover.

All those sayings about never believing you know what a person is like just by looking at them make sense in front of my eyes with Claudia.

When I first saw Claudia, she struck me as submissive, a service girl who is used to lowering her head in front of her bosses, who has witnessed the best and worst moments of the family she works for but says nothing about it.

Was I wrong?

Yes, and boy, was I abysmally wrong.

Ares' mother waits for my answer, not bothering to hide her contemptuous look. I can't articulate a word, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm very intimidated by this lady.

Sofía crosses her arms over her chest.

"I asked you a question."

I clear my throat.

"My name is Ra-Raquel," I extend my hand to her in a friendly manner.

She glances at my hand and then back at me.

"Well, Ra-Raquel," she mocks my stutter, "what are you doing here?"

Claudia stands next to me and with her head held high and with a firm voice she speaks for me:

"She came with Ares."

At the mention of Ares, the lady raises an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding? Why would Ares bring a girl like her?"

Claudia looks away.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? Oh, right, communication with your children is not your forte."

Sofía presses her lips.

"Don't start with your little tone, Claudia. The last thing you want to do is provoke me."

"Then stop looking at her like that, you don't even know her."

The lady gives us a tired look.

"I don't have to waste my time with you. Where is my husband?"

Claudia doesn't answer, she just points to the door, and the woman enters, leaving us alone and, finally, I feel I can breathe.

I clutch my chest.

"What a scary woman."

Claudia smiles at me.

"You have no idea."

"But you don't seem to be intimidated."

"I grew up in that house, I think I developed the ability to deal with intimidating people very well."

It makes sense, I remembered how intimidating Artemis is, and even Ares himself before I got to know him well, and now this woman? Claudia must be immune to those kinds of strong personalities, after growing up surrounded by them.

"I noticed, I just thought that since she's your boss, you...."

"Would let her intimidate me and treat me badly?" she finishes for me. "She is not my boss, Juan is, and he has always protected me from that witch, especially after..." Claudia stops. "I think I've talked too much about me, tell me about yourself."

I sigh and we sit down.

"There is not much to tell. I've just fallen under the Hidalgo's spell."

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