49. House of vampires and me the human

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Hiya.x So I know I have not like uploded in a long long time but I had exams loads and then my computer got a masive virus delting my files so I had to sent it off to fix it but it's okay now all good :D I had my files saved on a memory stick clever me :) So I will be uploading more often now I have no exams and I have a whole week off school ;D Thanks for all the votes and commetts on the last chapter I appreciate it lots and lots .xxxx luv u guys

Enjoy :) I tried to make it extra long


"Where is Jason?" I asked wondering where the hell he was as I realised I no longer was laid on him just the sofa.

"You said Eve what about eve? And Jason is in the kitchen!"

"I need to tell him!" I said quickly Jumping off the sofa and then I ran out of the living room heading for the kitchen when Shane stopped me.

"Get off me Shane!" I said in frustration.

He removed his arm quickly "What about eve?"

"She's alive" I quickly said and then opened the door and then I saw the most worst thing ever Ruby had her arms wrapped around Jason and she was kissing him, but it seemed more like he was kissing her.

Chapter 49 :)

Shane walked in from behind me and started to say something when he realised what I was staring at. The door slammed shut behind us making ruby and Jason break apart and look straight at us. My first reaction was to run up to him and punch him in the face but then I looked at his face. Shock was on it and that means he didn't suspect me to walk in.

"Claire I-" He began to say when I a warm tear ran down my face making pain go across his face. I wiped it away from my sleeve and then I ran pass Shane and out of the door.

"Let her go Jason she just needs to calm down" I heard Shane say when I walked out.

"But I didn't-"Jason began to say.

"Just talk to her later she will be still be there in her room later" That's the last thing I heard when I stepped away from the kitchen door. I looked up at the stairway and that's when I realised I didn't want to go in my room and sit there thinking about what Jason did. I didn't want him to come up and try to explain because by the looks of it there was no reason why he kissed her. I turned my heel and then walked out the front door not knowing where I was headed. It hurt me to walk out the door but I knew it was the right thing to do. The cold breeze hit me blowing my hair in my face and the light shied in my eyes making me rub them. I was still standing at the front of the door when I heard voices from the other side I ran away from the house. It was a good thing it was day time otherwise I would be really lost. I was in the forest now and the trees were leaning over me making shadows form. I screamed as I fell down tripping on a branch. As I fell, my elbows got grazed. I groaned in pain holding on to my knee as blood poured from it.

"That look like it hurts" My heart began to beat really fast as I turned my head.

I sighed in relief as soon as I saw who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked in a pissed off voice as of the pain in my knee. Suddenly he was right beside me grabbing hold off my knee. I started to squirm as he went closer to it.

"Hey! Get off me what the hell you doing?"  I shouted at him and I was still squirming trying to get away.

"Calm down I'm just seeing if you will survive from it" Christian smiled and then he let go of me knee and then stood up, holding his hand out for me and without any hesitation I took it.

House of vampires and me the humanWhere stories live. Discover now