39.House of vampires and me the human

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I couldn't believe it. No actually I didn't want to but I knew it was true. I felt like I couldn't breathe and that time has stopped or everything was moving in slow monition. I screamed his name over and over again but he didn't move he stayed there on the cold wet floor with a tall dark guy standing over him. I was still shouting his name and trying to get out of the person holding me against my will but like always I was too weak to get out of his grip. I stopped as Fayte moved. My heart skipped a beat and I felt like I could breathe again. I began to fight more for my realise but he didn't let go. Then someone spoke.

"Let her go" The boss said.

"But boss-"

"No buts let her go. Let her say goodbye to her dear dead bloodsucker." He laughed.

He loosed his grip on me and I ran to Fayte who was not moving anymore as I ran to him my heartbeat raised and my hands began to shake when I knelt beside him. I raised my hand to move his hair upon his face when he opened his eyes I jumped back in shock.

"Fayte" I whispered his name as I removed the hair from his face.

"Claire..." He whispered back to me. I took a deep breath of relief.

"Your okay" I said and kept on repeating after.

"Claire listen" He croaked out. But I still kept on repeating 'Your okay'.

"Claire" He gasped out and then began to cough.

"Fayte!" I screamed as he eyes began to flutter.

"Claire I-I-I...." He only gasped out a few words before he stated to cough and breathe heavily again. I smoothed my hand over his forehead trying to calm him down. I think it helped as he began to talk again.

"Claire I want you to know something." He started to breathe more heavily.

"Fayte stop trying to talk you are only going to make it worse" I said.

"Claire I have to you need to know."


"I love you" He whispered and looked right into my eyes with his brown dark eyes which seemed to be going darker by the minute.


"Claire you know what I said..."


"It's okay I know you don't-"

"You love me?" I asked still in shock and hardly breathing again.

"No I'm in love with you" He corrected me.

"Fayte?.....I love you too" I said looking in to his eyes.

"No you don't but thanks or saying it" He forced a smile out and then gasped for my air to breathe.


"Claire I'm in love with you. You love me as a friend and it's fine who would want to love a bloodsucker." He smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"I would if you kept on trying to stay alive for me."

"I can't Claire I would do anything for you but a stake that what kills us."

I sat there in silence as I took this in trying to handle it when Fayte spoke again.


"Yeah?" I gulped.

"I want you to know I will never forget you. I remember the first day we met they way you stood up to ruby I was shocked the way you did I loved everything about you. Your smell, your care for others, your personality and your beauty I will always remember it them things and many more than that made me love you more."

I was to shocked to say anything my heart beat began to beat more then it ever did.

"Remember me? " He whispered just enough to hear.

"Always." I promised as he seemed to be loosing time

"Claire I want you to Run" he said firmly.


"Remember to run"

"I promise" I said not actually sure what he meant.

"Tell the others I will miss them"

"What! No you can't die "

"Claire..." He whispered and his eyes turned black. I smoothed his head again with tears running on my face and dripping on to his chest. I glanced at his chest and it made me cry much more there was too much blood. I was shocked in how much there was and how a stake could kill him. Someone was coming up behind me as I was weeping more and then the worst happened as Fayte turned in to dust and he was no longer there he was just a pile of dust. I slammed my fist on the ground not caring how much it hurt me.

"NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME FAYTE!" I screamed even though I knew he was gone and he was never coming back. He was gone forever he left me. I felt my heart was being ripped into pieces and no one was there to help me it hurt so much I just wanted to die but I couldn't I owed that much to Fayte and the thing is if I knew he loved me I would of learned to be in love with him but now he is gone. Dead. Nothing but a pile of dust and that hurt me more then you can ever know.

Sorry its short and It took so long to update but my laptop crashed down again but its gd and fixed now got a new harddrive so I will be uploading alot more then i use 2 :) thank you for waiting .xx and I'm sorry I killed fayte of but there had to be a death :( sorry.x

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