28. House of vampires and me the human

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"Excuse me" I said still shocked and confused

"Bait" He repeted

"I know what you said" I said in a pissed of voice.

He gave me a big smile which was still evil.

"What for?"

He smiled and came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"You will find out soon. I 'll come when I need you."

"Who said I'm doing it why don't you just get another human for bait"

"Because I want you." I flinched at that he sounded so much like Jason

"I'm not doing it" I replid he stepped back a little.

"Well I guess I will have to kill you" He said simply

"Go ahead" Why do I care I'll die soon anyway.

He noticed I weren't bothered

"I like you a lot Claire and I'm sure your clever so if you don't do as I ask then I'll just kill all your friends in front of you then I will finally kill you"

"You sick basted"

He gave me a twisted smile.

"Is that a yes?"

"That is....A hell NO! You couldn't kill them all by yourself you couldn't even beat Jason and Fayte" He seemed to be getting angry now suddenly he grabbed my neck and slammed my head on the wall causing me to wince.

"Now Claire I don't have any patience as you know and I will kill you if I have to now you don't seem to care but I will make it painful more than you think got it so what do you say"

I slowly nodded my head being not able to speak mostly because I was frightened but manly I couldn't as he had his hand around my neck. He slowly let go and his eyes changed back to his normal colour.

I let out a sigh and looked back up. To see Christian pleased with himself which made me pissed off but decided not to that I was I prefer not to get strangled again.

"Great" He gave me a smile and walked off and jumped off the balcony. I slowly crouched down and stated to shake I didn't know how he could make me that frightened not even my dad. I started to calm down about so I stood up and realised it was getting dark now so I went downstairs to get some water before I go bed. I walked in to the kitchen were everyone was standing.

"Oh great it's the human." Ruby said.

I decided to ignore her I walked over to the fridge were Jason was standing I opened it and grabbed some water then I grabbed the glass on the shelf when my hand started to shake again causing me to smash the glass on the floor. Everyone glanced my way. I mumbled a sorry and began to pick it up.

"Claire I'll do that. You will hurt yourself" Blake bent down and began to pick it up when he realised something "You're shaking?"

"I.....erm I'm just cold."I stood up and then grabbed a glass but not noticing my hand was still shaking causing another one to fall but Jason caught it just in

time and placed it on the counter then came up to me and touched my arm.

"You're not cold at all your warm. What's up?"

"Just tired" I decided not to get water so I was about to walk out when Helen said something.

"We are going hunting but Shane is staying here so you will be safe"


Jason came up to me and whispered in my ear

"Be careful and don't go wondering off again"

I nodded then I walked out and headed up the stairs for bed. As soon as I got in to bed I drifted off to sleep.

"Claire it's time" I woke up to see Christian standing near my bed I was about to scream again but he covered my mouth then after a while realised it. I slowly

got up with my eyes still drooping.


He ripped of my covers "Get dressed"

I moaned and got up and walked in to the bathroom to get changed no way am I getting changed in front of him. Once I got back he grabbed my wrist and flung me over his shoulder.

"Hold tight" He mumbled.

Then we ran in to the forest with me closing my eyes tight. Sooner than I thought we were here where ever here was. Once he put me done I opened my eyes and noticed we were in a dark ally. I turned around to ask Christian what the hell we were doing here but he was gone.

"Christian?" I said in a quiet voice. He didn't reply or show up for that matter.

"Great I'm cold and it's dark as well I have no idea where I am" I said not realy talking to anyone.

"Christian I'm going to kill you." I said and began to walk wrapping my arms around me thinking I should have brought a coat.

"HEY" I turned around to see two guys walking up to me I began to step back.

"No reason to be afraid we won't hurt you. Yet" The taller one said.

I still stepped away I've dealt with these kind of jerks before it's best to just walk off. So I began to when one of them grabbed me.

"Hey we were talking to you." I glanced up to see the guy standing there looking angry.

"Yeah erm I'm busy" I tried to get out of his grasp but he won't let go.

"Hey dickhead get off me" I said to him when suddenly he threw me to the floor causing me to bang my head. I touché my head and slowly blood started to drip down I looked up to see the same guys but this time they were vampires and pretty hungry.Oh shit.

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