58. House of vampires and me the human

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This is the end chapter guys I was going to get somene else to write it but it turns out I couldnt let it go, and what helped was finding the orignal story on a hardrive with the ending I never posted sorry ;) Enjoy and thank you for reading :)

Chapter 58

Christian jumped out of the way before Jason could even grab a hold of him.

'Why you-' Jason began to say before Christian interrupted him.

'Amazing, fantastic Vampire. Oh Jason how kind of you to say them words' He grinned like a Cheshire cat, while Jason looked as if he was about to pop like a balloon.

'Guys stop it, we don't have time for this...and for god's give me back my underwear!' I snapped while reaching out and grabbing them out of Cristian's hands.

'What is this parasite doing here?' Jason snarled.

I sighed and explained to him why he was here, his face changed with sadness as a mentioned Fayte's name.

'Okay so why didn't you just tell them where they are and be on your merry way then' Jason smirked while looking at Christian.

'Because I want them dead as much as you do, remember they tried to kill me to brother, You are going to need as much help as you can,some of them are not all human'

'What do you mean not all human?' What else could they be?

Jason looked as he was debating to tell me or not, but you know Christian he just comes out with it.

'Half human and half vampire. You know when a human does it with a vampire they get a tiny little baby what I like to call a mutant'

'Oh' what else was I meant to say couldn't say I was surprised think I have gone past the stage of trying to make sense of all this supernatural world and what is real and what isn't any more.

'Yeah Oh indeed, so it looks like you need me'

'You know what, you can shove your help-' Jason began to say, but suddenly we all heard a loud crash coming from down the stairs making us all run to the door to see what it was. And there he stood, well others did to, but all I could do was stare at him. Jessie.

Knowing who he was and what he did to me was something I couldn't stomach.

'Claire go back upstairs!' Jason snapped at me taking in what was happening around us.

'Are you kidding me?'

Before Jason had chance to argue he was caught off guard by a hunter punching him in the face. I looked around me as I saw all of my friends in trouble, I was helpless, we were helpless.

The door slammed open to reveal Damon, he looked up and saw me but he soon realised what was going on and joined with the fights. To distracted with what was going on I didn't see him pin me to the wall.

'Look who changed into one them' Jessie sneered up at me in disgust.

'Please!stop let me go!' I struggled as his tight griped on me, being a vampire you would think I would have more strength, but I think I just didn't want to hurt him now knowing who he was.

'As if, you get what you deserve. All of you will pay for killing my mother!'

Wait? What? Killing his mother? He held tighter on the stake he had and began to plunge it straight to my heart.

'WAIT!STOP Your mother her name was Lily Dawson' I shouted.

His face went through different expressions shocked, sadness but most of all anger right at the end.

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