45.House of vampires and me the human

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Hello :D Uploaded as soon as possible a bit boring tihs one but I'll make the next one better promise .xxx Hope u like iit

"You didn't?" Shane asked.

"No....was I meant to?" I said confused.

"No Claire it's just why?" Blake asked.

"Why what?" I said more confused then ever.

"Why did you not tell them where we live or are names for that matter?" Blake asked.

"Because they would of hurt you!" I snapped getting angry just thinking about them hurting them.

"But Claire-" Blake began but Jason butted in.

"They hurt you because they wanted information on us!" Jason said getting angry.

"I -Yes" I said quietly not sure where he was going with this.

"And you let them you should of told them where we were they would have let you go!" Jason said while standing up.

"We don't know if they would of done that Jason" Blake said grabbing Jason by his arm.

"IT WOULD-" Jason Began to shout when Shane cut in.

"We don't need this now Jason we need to learn about what happened. Sit down." Jason sighed and sat back down.

"Where did they take you Claire?"

"In a old house I think- it was too dark to see." I sighed in frustration trying to remember.

"Can't you remember anything."

"I- C-Christian when he saved me we walked out in the forest or something. I don't remember I'm sorry" Jason stiffed as soon as I said the name Christian.

"Is there anything else which could help us Claire." Shane asked

I sighed and mumbled a no. Jason sighed "It's fine Claire" He said.

"No it's not! I can't remember I just want to help and I can't even do that!" I sighed again.

"We will find them Claire!" Jason said trying to comfort me.

"We can't Jason we don't know the forest that well." Shane said. Jason was about to snap at him but someone came walking in.

"I think we can help" I turned around to see Damon and his other friends behind him. Before I knew it I was behind Jason and Shane had Damon up against the wall with the other werewolves growling at Blake.

"Wait no don't!" I said trying to get out of Jason's grip.

"Claire get back!" Jason snapped.

"No!" I said trying to fight back.

"Claire stop now!" Jason snapped at me. I stopped as his eyes turned red.

"What are you doing here?" Shane snapped.

"Came to see Claire bear" Damon said while winking at me making Jason growl at him. Shane slammed him harder against the wall making me flinch. Damon smirked and then everything went to fast for me to see but all I knew was Jason did not have hold of me anymore and that Helen was in the fight somewhere. I suddenly got jerked back against someone making everyone stop what they were doing.

"Now everyone stop!"Damon shouted I glanced down to see his arm wrapped around my neck.

"Get your paws off her! You mutt" Jason shouted.

"No reason for such hard words" Damon said still smirking.

"Damon" I whispered out of worry. He looked down at me and winked making sure no one else could see it.

"Now I have your attention. We need to talk" Damon said slowly staring at Jason.

"Let go off her and then we may talk." Jason said clenching his fist.

"No can do seeing as she is my only leverage" His smile grew louder and his hand around my neck tightened enough for me to groan in pain. Jason's eyes became redder and he looked like he was about to rip Damon head off but Blake held him back.

"Talk" Blake said.

Damon smiled and loosed me a little. "We know the woods well and it seems we are after the same people. So you need our help and as much as I hate to say we could use your help."

"Why would a bunch of werewolves want to help us to kill some vampire hunters?"

"There not just any vampire hunters it seems they hunt us to. One of our men died yesterday. Same with your right? Fayte was it?"

Jason growled at him but nodded in response. I grimanced as he said his name and I looked down at my feet. Jason sighed "Fine but you stay the hell away from Claire."

Blake looked shocked "How can you say yes to them!" Blake snapped.

"We need their help Blake and after what they did to Fayte and Claire I want hem dead as Much as they do! They killed are friend Blake!" Jason said Blake

looked like he was about to argue the point but he just nodded. Jason turned back in are direction and looked at me then Damon.

"Let her go" Jason said. Damon looked down at me then soon enough he realised me making Jason reach out and grab me and I got pulled behind him again. The other werewolves moved to Damon side.

"We track them to night to find out how much we know about them" Damon said Jason nodded in response and they all walked out of the door but not before pissing Jason off more.

"See you soon Claire bear" Damon said and with that he walked away with eyes staring at his back.

House of vampires and me the humanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant