51. House of vampires and me the human

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HELLLO :) So yes it has been like a month that I haven't uploaded and I have ran out of escuses honstly I just Have not had the time but here I am today uploading for my amazing fans :D Well here it enjoy xxxxx

Chapter 51

Was I dreaming? Was I dead? Where was I?

“How long she been out?”

“A couple of seconds there is no change”

“I'm sorry Jason maybe it didn't work”

“It did, I mean it is” He shouted.

Voices surrounded me as my eyes began to flutter open.

“Claire Oh god Claire you’re awake!” Someone shouted making me flinch as my eyes finally opened to see the most amazing blue eyes.

“Claire?” Jason asked.

“Who are you?”

Shock crossed his face and then what seemed like pain.

“You don't remember me?” He asked.

I shook my head in response.

“How is that possible?” He turned around asking someone else .I couldn’t keep it any more I burst out laughing.

“God you’re so easy” I giggled and looked up at Jason to see he had a confused face and then a couple of seconds realisation, but then a angry face. It was kind of amazing how fast he switched emotions.

“How could you do that?  You scared the hell out me Claire!” He shouted while the others giggled behind him.

“Oh shush it was a joke Jason and you just spoiled the fun” I said in a upset voice.

He sighed, I'm not sure what his mood really was “So you’re not mad?” He asked making my face change to happy and then confused.

“Mad? Why would I be mad?” I asked with a strange tone to my voice.

“You don't remember?” He asked with a confused look on his face the same one as mine

Remember? Remember what? I thought to myself, why am I in a bed? Did I fall asleep? I slowly sat up and took a glance and Jason. I felt different, stronger than I was before, I wasn't quite sure why though! I took another glance at Jason to seam he was a little bit nervous. I slowly sat more up and was about to wince in pain when I realised there was no pain. I gasped in shock. Why didn't I feel pain?

He didn’t?

He wouldn't!

I turned my head to see Jason's face full of guilt. He did! I couldn’t believe it actually I didn't want to believe it.

“You changed me” It was more of a statement then a question.

“I had to” He replied now then three words made me snap.

“You had to!” I shouted getting up out of my bed and standing up while clenching my fist.

“Now Claire calm down” He said while making a gesture with his hands.

“Calm Down how can I calm down I'm a Bloodsucker!!!” I shouted even louder and Jason surprised me by backing up as I came closer to him.

“Claire you need to calm down” Shane said while stepping towards me.

“No I won't I don't want to be dead!” I shouted.

“Claire you’re not dead” Helen whispered.

I glanced up at her to see her hiding behind Blake. What the hell is she hiding for? Then I saw at the by myself, my red eyes and pure anger on my face I looked like one of them. I gasped at my reflection, I looked so different ad I didn't like it. I moved my head so I was no longer facing the mirror, but Jason his face was full of guilt and he looked so sad and I hate that more than I hated myself right now. I guess he must of realised I was no longer angry, but upset. He stepped forward and did the thing I needed the most. A hug. He wasn't cold this time, he was kind of warm which was weird, but it was something I could get use to. No one spoke as we hugged them silently walked out the room leaving me and Jason alone.

“I'm sorry Claire I had to” He whispered as we both sat down on his bed.

I swallowed and took a deep “I Know but it doesn’t make it right Jason”

I sighed in frustration as I realised I was hungry.

“We need to hunt” Jason said not looking me in the eye.

“No I'm not hungry” I lied.

“Claire you need to eat” He demanded.

“No” I said while standing up and getting away from him.

“God your still so stubborn I was hoping that would change” He sighed.

“Well I haven’t!” I snapped. Why would that change?

“Claire if you don't eat you will die” He shouted while pointing a finger tme.

“God why do you care so much!!”

No one care for me and if they do well they sure as hell not meant to because everyone close to me dies.

“Because I fucking love you Claire that is why!”

Now that I wasn't excepecting.

I know it's short but I might upload later if not I apologise in advance :) xxxxx

and I want you guys to do me a huge favour :) I am writing a new story and I want you adice on it here is what it's about....

The girl trapped in the past

 Elizabeth Summers was stuck she couldn't get out of the past all what she wanted to do was go home, but first she had to find out how. Trying to find her way home gets her in to a lot of trouble with the royal family of Dumas ... leading her to find something she thought she wouldn't find especially in that time. Love, but when she finds it she doesn't want to go back. That leads her to the choice of her family or the man she loves.

So tell me what you thought of this chapter by voting and cometing :D and please tell me what you think of my new story I will be posting soon :) thanks alot and talk to you soon my awsome amazing fans :D love you guys xxxxx

P.s I am not finshing this story I just wanted to write a new story so don't worry :) xxxxx

 Oh yeah and can you do me a favour the person I Dedicated it to is a real good friend and she is kid of new to wattpad so I would love it if you could read her stories and if you do I will read yours and I'm sure she will to ;D thanks .xxxxx

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