11.House of vampires and me the human

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Once we got there Helen placed me on the bed and went out of the room leaving me confused but sooner than I could think where she was she came back with some pills in her hand.

"Here they will help a lot erm I think you need some rest you look a bit tired I'll erm bring some food up later you must be staving"

With that she walked out of my room. I glanced around and got up holding on to things like book stands and desks to keep me steady while I made my way to the wardrobe once I got there I grabbed any random long t-shirt and got changed. I slowly made my way back to bed grabbed the pill and placed in my mother and had a drink then I climbed in my bed so I closed my eyes and drifted in to a sleep.

I woke up with sweat running down my forehead I had it again I have it every night once my mum died you see I've had the same dream over and over again the one of the pain and suffering my mum went through and one day me too. I glanced out of the window to see it was late morning I slowly got out of bed as my leg was still hurting but not as bad as yesterday I made my way to the wardrobe and grabbed anything I could find to wear for today once I did I made my way to have a shower and brush my teeth. Once I finished that I walked out of the bathroom to see Ruby standing in the room .Great.

"What do you want?"

"Huh oh Hi Claire what makes you think I want something"

"I don't know well if you don't want anything why are the hell you here"

"And Helen said you were nice. I just came here to tell you that if you think for one moment we care for you or like you well you are so wrong you are just a snack to us just keep that in mind and stay away from my boyfriend"

"You scared of me taking your boyfriend a little human like me I think I'll take that as a complement" She huffed and walked away making her hips go side to side I'll tell you it looked really stupid it made me giggle just a little.

Once she was gone I made my way done the stairs holding on the banister and taking it easier step by step.

"Erm you need help there"

I turned around and glanced up to see a guy I've never seen before standing there.

"Name's Fayt by the way"

" Claire and Erm....Yeah sure that would help a lot"

He came down to me and helped me down the stairs by carrying me once we got down the stairs he put me down slowly.

"Sorry about Ruby"


"Erm I heard her talking to you upstairs don't worry she will be gone soon she is just a well an x-girlfriend of Blake she is just too attached to him but Blake can't find a new one if you know what I mean anyway you're amazing you know that not many people can stand up to her"

"Erm thanks and thank you for helping me down the stairs"

"Erm yeah you're welcome you hungry? Come on I'll show you to the kitchen" He grabbed my hand which made me shiver as he did and we walked to the kitchen.

Once we made it to the kitchen everyone was there talking and eating bacon and eggs.

I looked at Fayt and asked a Question "You eat human food to?"

"Yeah it's still nice we just prefer blood"

"Yeah of course. How can you go out in the sun?"

"Well we might be vampires and all but we just can we are just like you except for eating blood and having special powers"

"Cool what powers?"

"Well Jason ca-"

"God why don't you tell her everything she will die soon anyway so what's the point" Ruby interrupted Fayt.

I made way to a seat near the counter and sat down and grabbed some cornflakes. I glanced up to see Ruby giving me a dirty while talking to Blake. I gave her a fake smile then gave her the finger and began to eat my food.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I glanced up to see Ruby in my face and everyone was turning their head towards me.

"Claire Dawson of course god dumb ass"

Suddenly she grabbed my plate and smashed on the floor.

"Hey I was eating that"

The next thing I know she had her fangs out and was about to jump on me.

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