30. House of vampires and me the human

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We were all sitting in the living room and after I told them no one talked. I think it was 2 minutes before Jason started to shout

"I WILL KILL HIM" He shouted causing me o flinch at the word kill I hate that word.

"Jason sit down" Helen said calmly and he did still pissed off.

"Who were the vampires Claire" Blake asked I shrugged my shoulder in response.

"He just said that they owned him money"

"What did they look like" He asked

"Does it matter there dead?"

"She's right" Shane replied.

"Huh so you're on her side figures" Blake said

"What's that meant to mean" He stood up but Helen grabbed his arm and he sat back down.

"Okay let's all just all calm down it is fine Claire dint get hurt so its fine"

Jason stood up again "What have you seen her she is covered in blood"

I looked down at myself he was a bit oversaturation person I wasn't covered with blood just a couple of scratches.

"I'm fine" I said

Jason shot me a dirty look. Helen stood up this time.

"I'll get her cleaned up"

"No I'll do it" Jason walked over to me and grabbed my arm and we walked up the stairs leaving everyone behind.

We were in my room and he placed me on the bed and he walked out after like 30 seconds he came back with an aid kit.

"Why would you have this in the house you don't bleed do you."

He shrugged his shoulders.


He didn't reply he was dabbing my leg with a cloth as it had a big cut in it.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly. He pressed the cloth harder on my leg causing me to wince.


He put a plaster over it and looked at me.

"God Claire you're so stupid-"

"An idiot, Moron and thick. Yeah you have said that before." He sat next to me and whipped the blood of my face.

"How can you handle it?"

"The blood?" I nodded in response.

"I can't right now but I care about you Claire so I don't want you in pain."

I looked at him he looked up for a split second but enough to know he meant it. He removed the cloth and put it down.

"Thanks" I said while touching his hand.

"Yeah sure I guess you owe me again." He said giving his devil smile.

I sighed and lent back on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Just when I thought you were nice you say something like that"

He suddenly was on top of me shocking me.

"Claire I do care about you" He said slowly

"I know. I care about you too" I mumbled.

He came closer to me and sooner than I thought his lips crashed on to mine. My breath came in a wild gasp but I didn't stop it. I closed my eyes and my fingers ran through his hair, clutching him to me. My lips parted and I breathed in his sweet scent. The thing was I hated myself that I didn't know how to kiss him back I felt that I was being measured by those other girls he kissed.

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