56. House of vampires and me the human

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Four words. Please don't hurt me :) I know I have not uploaded in a while just have none been in the mood I just gived up on finishing the story and honestly I have been very busy :/ But I'm back for good :D I may even start writing some other stroies :) Anyway thanks for still reading this story and sorry for the wiat enjoy! :D xxx


“Exactly I killed a man and nothing can change that!”

“Claire you did not kill him” He said putting his hand over mine.

“I did he might be alive now but because of me he died!” I snapped removing my hand out of his grasp making his hands go around my waist so I was now up against him.

“Cassandra do not think that for a second he is alive because of you and that is all that matters and that I love you”

Is it possible for Vampires to blush?

“I love you too Jason” I replied raping my arms around him never wanting to let go.

“Sorry to spoil the moment but Blake has gone” Helen said walking in with a panicked look on her face which soon went on to ours as well.

Chapter 56

Do you ever get one of those days or weeks even when everything goes wrong and you think right things will bright up soon, but they never do and then your whole world comes crashing down well guess what that would highlight my whole life. When the few words came out of Helen's mouth my brain began to think of the worst thing imaginable.

“What do you mean he is gone?!” Jason asked in full rage towards her as he thought the worst thing he could think of it was  of course inedible to think of that.

“I don't mean dead! I mean he is gone like gone off somewhere!!”

Taking deep breathes I spoke “Maybe he went to the shop?”

“The shop?! For what food! We are not human he always tells us where he is going!”

Not human...A monster...

“Mabye he just forgot to tell you?” I said trying to ignore all the thoughts running through my mind.

“NO! God we have to find him!” Helen snapped raising her hands in the air and sat down on my bed and began to put her head in her hands and cry.

“We will find him I promise!” Jason said while trying to calm her down as I stood there not sure in what to do.

“How?” She sniffled.

“Phone him?” I said as it was the simplest question in the world. Wrong move.


“Helen she is just trying to help!” Jason said holding her back. I would have been shocked if I was human or if she was, but simply I understood what it was like to have the simplest thing that would make you so angry that you would want to rip someone’s head off.

“Sorry! I know I just- he has ever done this before only when he was trying to kill the werewolves for killing eve”

Eve......Oh god no!

“I know where he is” I said making everyone's head towards me.

“How? No I mean where?!” Helen gasped out.

“To find eve I may have told him something I shouldn't have” I said making and uneasy smile. Helen glared at me and I know myself she was about to snap any second if it wasn't for Shane barging in the room.

“I found him in the woods fighting with Damon and Claire is right she is alive”

We didn’t need to guess who he was talking about we all knew as soon as the words were spoken.

“Well let’s move!” Helen snapped making us all charge out the door and into the woods were we saw Damon in his wolf form fighting Blake.

“Stop please Blake!” I turned my head to see eve going frantic and I knew at that moment I had to do something. Before Jason could even react to pull me back I dived in front of the fight not noticing that Damon was about to take a huge bite out of me.

“Oh God Claire”

Ringing in my ears caused me not to know who that came from. My eyes began to blur and I could only see figures of people standing around me and one person seemed to be naked! Now that can’t be right.

Soon enough I passed out, but before heard a few mumbles of word.

“You are so dead!” Jason growled?

“Jason no!!”


Waking up was a nightmare I couldn’t help but notice how much pain my side was in. My eyes fluttered open and I soon realised I was in my bed with Jason right beside me.

“Dri-nk!” I croaked out causing Jason to snap his eyes open towards me.

“Here” Passing me a glass of blood made me want to puke thinking of what I did to that man in the alley way ,but another part of me wanted to drink so bad.

“You need to Claire or you will not be getting any better” Jason snapped while lifting me up from the bed so I was in a seating position.

“Oh don’t sugar coat it Jason basically if you don’t drink it you will die”

“Shane!” Helen snapped.

“What?! What did I say that was wrong!” He said back to her.

Grabbing the glass from Jason’s hands I squeezed my eyes shut and I drank it, all in one gulp.

“Better?” Jason asked as I passed the glass back to him.

I Ignored him “What happened?”

“You passed out again!”Helen sighed while rolling her eyes.

“When do I not.  I thought the perks of being a vampire was that I don’t get hurt!”

“Well when you dive in front of fight and get bitten by me I say that is plain stupid and Hello werewolf you would get hurt!”

M eyes snapped to my bedroom door way to notice Damon was casually lent against it.

“Erm guys you do realise there is a werewolf in the house?!”

“Why no Claire we did not” Shane said in a squeaky voice that kind of just sounded like me.

I glared at me and looked at Jason so he could explain.

“It’s all sorted out”

“That’s it just like that I mean a couple of hours and bam you’re all friends and  holding hands!”

“Claire you have been in like a coma for 2 weeks you were bitten by a werewolf it takes vampires a while to heal with that kind of bite” Helen explained.

“Well someone could have warned me!”

“Yeah because we didn’t think you was that stupid to jump in the middle of the fight, but hey guess we were wrong again!” Jason snapped I looked around me just to see if anyone would be on my side or defend me or something, but no such luck.

“How could you be so thick?!” Damon joined in to.

“I mean who the hell does that of all things!?”

They kept coming at me and I soon was able to blank them out. How was Damon standing here in one piece when he bit me and where was Eve and Blake!?

“STOP!” I screamed making the whole room go silent.

“What is happing where is eve and Blake? What is Damon doing here? And why the hell am I being called stupid....okay maybe I know the answer to the last one!”

Suddenly Eve and Blake came charging in pushing Damon out of way from the door entrance.

“Guess what we are getting Married!?” Blake shouted with a huge grin on his face.


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