29. House of vampires and me the human

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I slowly backed away by moving my hands as I was still on the floor

"Erm...Hey maybe we could work this out somehow....I mean I didn't mean to call you a dick head."

They gave each other a glance and then looked back at me still pretty hungry.

"Okay I guess you still want to suck my blood" There smiles grew as I said that

One of them grabbed me and pulled me up.

"Delicious" He said while smelling me.

"Okay that is really gross" I said which was meant to stay in my head.

He came closer to my neck

"I hate you Christian"

I closed my eyes for the pain to come but it didn't so I opened my eyes to see the guy staring at me.

"Who did you just say?"

"She said my name." We all turned around to see Christian standing there casually with his hands in his pocket.

"Christian" One of them growled

"Hey. You okay there Claire?" He looked at me I was going to say something mean as seeing he is the only one can save me I decided not to so I just

nodded my head.

Suddenly I got thrown near the dustbin causing me to bang my head again and then I blanked out.

I woke up with a start and realised I was moving and not on my own I glanced up to see that Christian was caring me.

"Oh good you're up. I don't have to carry you all the way to Jason's house. Because god you're heavy"

He put me down and started to walk with me following behind him.

"Sorry about your head but you was fantastic bait"

"Huh? That was it the guys?"

"Yeah they owned me money and well they have been hiding every time I found them so this time I used you to lure them out like they said you smell and

taste delicious" He turned around d and smirked at me.

"So there dead?"

"Yes" He replied quickly.

"Wait so let me get this straight you used me as bait to get them vampires to come out so you could kill them as they owned you money."

"Yeah good plan right?"

"GOOD PLAN I NEARLY DIED!!" I shouted at him

"But you didn't "He replied not getting angry "Well this is my stop just keep going forward then the house is there. I would show you all the way but once I do

all your friend swill attack me."

He came closer to me and came to me and whispered

"See you soon Claire." and with that he was gone.

"Hey!" Great. I started to walk forward hoping this was not one of his stupid tricks. I started to walk when I realised I was all muddy and dry blood was all over

my arms and some blood was still dripping from my head making me feel a bit dizzy. I could see the house now and most off the lights were on. I made my

way to the front door and opened it to see 5 vampires angry at me.


Jason came forward and touched my head I winced "I told you to stay in the house. Where were you Claire if you went to see Damon you might as well lock

yourself in that cage downstairs because you are never stepping foot out of this house." He said in all one rush.

"I wasn't with Damon" He sighed out of relief. Then suddenly he hugged me I didn't know what to do so I just stood there.

"So where were you then?" Blake asked.

I didn't reply Jason let go off me and looked in my eyes I turned away.

"Claire?" He said in a serious tone

Here we go. "Christian."


I flinched and backed away a little his eyes began to turn red.

"Jason calm down okay?" Helen said while coming closer to him.

He sighed and his eyes turned back to normal. But you could tell he was still pissed.

He turned to me "You better like your room because that is where you going to stay for the rest of your life."

"Jason at least give her time to explain Claire?"

They all turned to look at me. I gulped in response.

"I erm....well it's hard to explain" I said slowly

"Try to" Helen said quickly as Jason looked like he was going to snap.

Here goes nothing and I began to tell them.

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